Several utilities are available to back up and restore data from Alteryx Server deployments using the embedded version of MongoDB. Use this backup functionality to recover from a system failure or data corruption or loss. You can also use restore options to roll back to past data.
Back up and restore data using the command line utilities available from the AlteryxService executable file AlteryxService.exe
. Because the database backup process requires Server to be shut down (disabling scheduling and Server functionality for several minutes), perform backups during off-peak times.
Stop AlteryxService. Shutdown multiple machines in order—Server UI node, workers, and then the controller.
From the command line, navigate to the Alteryx Server installation folder (for example,
D:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin
).Execute the following command to save a backup of the database in the specified folder (must be an empty folder):
alteryxservice emongodump=path_to_backup_location
\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\AlteryxService.exe emongodump=c:\temp\dumpOutput
Restart AlteryxService. Restart multiple machines in reverse order—restart the controller, then the workers, and then the Server UI node.
Stop AlteryxService.
From the command line, navigate to the Alteryx Server installation folder (for example,
D:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin
).Execute the following command to restore the MongoDB backup to the specified folder (must be an empty folder):
alteryxservice emongorestore=path_to_backup_location,path_to_mongo_folder
\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\AlteryxService.exe emongorestore=c:\temp\dumpOutput,c:\temp\restoreInput
If you restore your MongoDB to a new folder with a different name, then you have to update the Data Folder in Alteryx System Settings > Controller > Persistence to allow AlteryxService to start with the newly restored MongoDB folder. For more information about the controller configuration, go to the Controller help page.
Restart AlteryxService.
Open System Settings.
Go to Controller > Persistence.
In the Data Folder field, browse to the folder for the backup.
Select Next to continue through the System Settings windows and restart the service. When the service starts it will run off the restored folder.