Configure Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC) to integrate with your REST API deployment using OAuth 2.0 authentication.
The end system on this page refers to the application to which the REST API Connections establish a connection.
In the end system developer console, you must create a client app. Follow these steps...
Sign in to your end system developer console.
Create a new application that uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication.
Record your Client ID and Client Secret. You will use these for the REST API OAuth 2.0 setup in AACAAC.
Enter your Redirect URIs. For example,
.Make sure you provide the correct scopes.
After you create the end system client app, you must create an OAuth 2.0 client in AACAAC. Follow these steps...
Sign in to AACAAC as a Workspace Admin.
Go to Profile menu > Workspace Admin > OAuth 2.0 clients > Register OAuth 2.0 client.
Enter these fields:
Authentication Type
REST API OAuth 2.0 - Auth Code Grant
from the dropdown.Name
Enter an appropriate name for the client.
Client ID
Enter the Client ID you recorded from the end system client app setup.
Client Secret
Enter the Client Secret you recorded from the end system client app setup.
Authorization URL
Paste the Authorization URL of the end system. For example:
Token URL
Paste the Token URL of the end system. For example:
Enter the scope definition. This depends on the scope names configured in your end system.
Access Token Expires In
ms.Refresh Token Expires In
ms.Select Create.
After you create the OAuth 2.0 client references, you can create a connection to your end system data. For more information, go to REST API Connections.
You must create a separate connection for each OAuth 2.0 client that is available in the AACAAC.