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Get Started with Workflows

Designer Experience empowers analysts and data scientists with a self-service solution data prep, blending, and analytics in the cloud.

Application Setup

Please complete the following steps to get started using the application.


Designer Cloud is enabled by default. If it is not enabled, a workspace administrator can enable Designer Cloud in your workspace. For more information, see Workspace Settings Page.

Assign roles

Each user of your workspace who needs access to the application must be assigned a specific role for it.


Each application has a specific set of roles. When a workspace user is assigned an application role, the licensed seat count for the application is incremented, where applicable.

A workspace admin can assign application roles.


Designer Cloud currently supports only English. For the best Designer Cloud experience, ensure your browser language preference is set to English.

Users Who Have Not Used Designer Desktop

For users unfamiliar with Designer Desktop, we recommend our Getting Started pages to get comfortable using and customizing the Designer Experience:

Users Who Have Used Designer Desktop

Users familiar with Designer Desktop will find a cloud-scalable, easy to manage version of the product they know and love. Designer Experience provides a very similar intuitive interface available with 20 of Designer Desktop's code-free and code-friendly tools. Find more information on building workflows and using tools in Designer Experience in the Workflows and Tools pages.