- Alteryx
- Plans
- Plan View Page
- Share Plan Dialog
You can manage access to a plan for other users through the Share Plan dialog. From the context menu of the Plans page, select Share.
You can grant permissions to other users to access the plan. When a user is given access to a plan, that user is considered a collaborator on the plan and has a smaller set of permissions than the owner of the plan. Users must have at least the Viewer role viewer permissions for plans.
For more information, see Roles Page.
If the user does not have access to the underlying assets of the plan, the plan can still be shared and accessed, but the user cannot edit those assets and run the plans.
Through this Share Plan dialog, you can invite one or more collaborators to the plan, so that you may work together on the same objects.
To add users as collaborators, start typing the name of a user and select the user
Specify the privilege level of the user to whom you are sharing and click Share.
Repeat this process to share it with multiple users.
Remove: To remove the sharing, click Remove.
Each selected user now can access the plans through the plans page. See Plans Page.