Class Summary
Static Public Class Summary | ||
public |
Button component that displays a button that will call a function when clicked. |
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Two state component that toggles between a checked state with a check mark and an unchecked state. |
public |
Color picker component that allows selecting or entering a hex color. |
public |
The purpose of ConstrainedDate is to store a date with constraints on the value. |
public |
The purpose of ConstrainedDateTime is to store a date and time with constraints on the value. |
public |
The purpose of ConstrainedFloat is to store a precise numerical value, which conforms to a number of acceptable validation rules. |
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The purpose of ConstrainedInt is to store an imprecise numerical value, which conforms to a number of acceptable validation rules. |
public |
The purpose of DataItem is to give a uniform way to listen to property changes. |
public |
The purpose of DataItemContainer is to hold one or more child data items and manage the hidden, suppressed, and disabled props for all of it's children. |
public |
The purpose of DataItemWithValue is to store a value. |
public |
Date component that allow input of date, time and datetime strings into a field input, time toggles and a calendar overlay. |
public |
Single selection component that allows selection of one of multiple options that will appear in a drop down and hide on blur. |
public |
The purpose of FieldSelector is to provide a list of possible fields from upstream connected tools, as well as store one of them as a choice in your tool's XML configuration. It will write to your tool's XML configuration the text of the name of the chosen field. |
public |
The purpose of FieldSelectorMulti is to provide a list of possible fields from upstream connected tools, as well as store multiple of them as a list of choices in your tool's XML configuration. It will write to your tool's XML configuration the text of the name of the chosen fields with a delimiter between them. |
public |
List box componenet which allows the selection of one or more values defined by an option list or incoming field metadata. |
public |
The Manager provides methods to access and interact with widgets and data items. |
public |
Number field component that allows input of numbers into a field that includes up and down arrows buttons. |
public |
Non-interactive component that displays the percentage of the current value and the maximum as a progress bar. |
public |
Single selection component that allows selection of one of multiple options that will be displayed as rows of radio buttons. |
public |
Single selection component that allows selection of one of multiple options that will be displayed as rows of radio buttons. |
public |
SDK Lifecycle provides two lifecycle methods SetConfiguration and GetConfiguration. |
public |
The purpose of SimpleBool is to store a true or false value. |
public |
The purpose of SimpleDate is to store a date. |
public |
The purpose of SimpleDateTime is to store a date and time. |
public |
The purpose of SimpleFloat is to store a precise numerical value. |
public |
The purpose of SimpleHexColor is to store a valid 3-6 character hex value preceded by a hash. |
public |
The purpose of SimpleInt is to store an imprecise numerical value. |
public |
The purpose of SimpleString is to store an arbitrary string of text. |
public |
The purpose of SimpleTime is to store a time. |
public |
The purpose of a SimpleTree is to store a selection of string values given a hierarchy of choices. |
public |
The purpose of a StringSelector is to store a string value given a fixed selection of choices. |
public |
The purpose of StringSelectorMulti is to store a list of string values given a fixed selection of choices. |
public |
Text field component that allows input of characters into a text field that can be resized and display multiple rows. |
public |
Text field component that allows input of characters into single row text box that can configured as a password to hide input. |
public |
Single selection component that allows selection of one of multiple options that will be displayed as boxes horizontally positioned. |
public |
Tree view component that allows selection of one or more values that will appear in a tree structure. |