After you have applied a configuration change to the platform and restarted, you can use the following steps to verify that Alteryx Analytics Cloud is working correctly.
To complete this test, you should locate or create a simple dataset. Your dataset should be created in the format that you wish to test.
The simplest way to test is to create a two-column CSV file with at least 25 non-empty rows of data. This data can be uploaded through the application.
Two or more columns.
If there are specific data types that you would like to test, please be sure to include them in the dataset.
A minimum of 25 rows is required for best results of type inference.
Ideally, your dataset is a single file or sheet.
If you are testing an integration, you should store your dataset in the datastore with which the product is integrated.
Uploading datasets is always available as a means of importing datasets.
You may need to create a connection between the platform and the datastore.
Read and write permissions must be enabled for the connecting user to the datastore.
For more information, see Connections Page.
Login to the application.
In the application menu bar, click Library for Data.
Click Import Data. See Import Data Page.
Select the connection where the dataset is stored. For datasets stored on your local desktop, click Upload.
Select the dataset.
Click Continue.
Run a job to generate results.
When the job completes, you should see a success message and a link to the job results.
Troubleshooting: Either the Transform job or the Profiling job may break. To localize the problem, try re-running a job by deselecting the broken job type or running the job on a different running environment (if available). You can also download the log files to try to identify the problem. See Job Details Page.
Click View Results from the context menu for the job listing. In the Job Details page, you can see a visual profile of the generated results. See Job Details Page.
In the Output Destinations tab, click a link to download the results to your local desktop.
Load these results into a local application to verify that the content looks ok.
You have verified importing from the selected datastore and running a job. If your job was successfully executed, you have verified that the product is connected to the job running environment and can write results to the defined output location. Optionally, you may have tested profiling of job results. If all of the above tasks completed, the platform is operational end-to-end.