The Behavior Analysis tools have been deprecated as of version 2022.3. These tools will continue to work with US Business Insights Data Packages 2021 Q4 and earlier versions.
Use Detail Fields to return detailed field information at the Cluster or Group level specific to the Profile.
Set the default dataset from User Settings. Go to Options > User Settings > Edit User Settings and select the Tools tab. Next, use the Dataset Defaults section to make your selections.
Choose a Dataset: Select the Dataset to use.
Each dataset has its own Profiles and Profile Sets that are specific to the selected clustering system. These datasets require a current subscription and license. Please contact your Alteryx account representative for more information regarding compatible datasets.
For best results, keep your datasets consistent with each Behavior tool. Choosing "Most Recent Vintage" rather than a specific dataset ensures the most current dataset is used and won't require updating your workflow. You can easily specify the dataset in multiple tools at once with the Workflow Dependencies to ensure consistency throughout your workflow.
Analyze: Select the data field that represents the Profile to use for analysis.
Using (Optional): Select the data field that represents the Profile to use to compare the Analyze Profile against, for the fields selected below.
Show By: Record level of the data. Choices include Cluster or Group. Clusters are rolled into Groups.
Demographic: Classification level the Profile was built with. Choices include Auto-Detect, Household, Person, or Adult, but vary by vendor.
Select Output Fields: Use the checkboxes to select the desired output fields. The buttons All and Clear can help with multiple selections.
Use Long Names: When checked, returns long field names When left unchecked, shorter less descriptive field names are used. The table below displays available fields for output.
Field Name | Short Names |
Analyze - % Base Count | A_BASE_PER |
Analyze - % Count | A_USERS_PER |
Analyze - Average Volumetric Value | A_AVG_VOL |
Analyze - Base Count | A_BASE |
Analyze - Count | A_USERS |
Analyze - Index | A_PENI_A_TOT |
Analyze - Penetration | A_PEN |
Analyze - Total Volumetric Value | A_VOL |
Analyze Scaled to Country - Base Count | A_BASE_US |
Analyze Scaled to Country - Count | A_USERS_US |
Cluster - Description | DESC |
Cluster - Global Mosaic Group | UG |
Cluster - Index | PEN_IDX |
Cluster - Mosaic Group | MF |
Cluster - Penetration | CLUSTER_PER |
Cluster - Volume Index | VOL_PEN_IDX |
Cluster - Volume Penetration | VOL_PEN |
Cluster Number | CLUSTER_NUM |
Demographic | Demographic |
Market Potential - % Count | MKPOT_PER |
Market Potential - % Volumetri | MKPOT_VOL_PER |
Market Potential - Count | MKPOT |
Market Potential - Volumetric | MKPOT_VOL |
Using - % Base Count | U_BASE_PER |
Using - % Count | U_USERS_PER |
Using - Average Volumetric Value | U_AVG_VOL |
Using - Base Count | U_BASE |
Using - Count | U_USERS |
Using - Index | U_PENI_U_TOT |
Using - Penetration | U_PEN |
Using - Total Volumetric Value | U_VOL |
Using Scaled to Country - Base Count | U_BASE_US |
Using Scaled to Country - Count | U_USERS_US |