The Behavior Analysis tools have been deprecated as of version 2022.3. These tools will continue to work with US Business Insights Data Packages 2021 Q4 and earlier versions.
Use Create Behavior Profile to take an incoming data stream and construct a Behavior Profile from its contents. A Profile can be built using a database, Polygon Files, Rings, Doughnuts Drivetimes, or by using Standard Geographies. Custom Profiles can be built into Profile sets using the Profile Output tool.
Choose a Dataset: Select the Dataset to use. Each dataset has its own Profiles and Profile Sets that are specific to the selected clustering system. These datasets require a current subscription and license. Please contact your Alteryx account representative for more information regarding compatible datasets.
For best results, keep your datasets consistent with each Behavior tool. Choosing "Most Recent Vintage" rather than a specific dataset ensures the most current dataset is used and won't require updating your workflow. You can easily specify the dataset in multiple tools at once with the Workflow Dependencies to ensure consistency throughout your workflow.
Set the default dataset from User Settings. Go to Options > User Settings > Edit User Settings and select the Tools tab. Next, use the Dataset Defaults section to make your selections.
Select the Mode using the dropdown list.
Takes the incoming Spatial Object and creates a Profile.
Summarize: Specify the method to Summarize your data into profiles. Choices include:
All Records: All records are combined into a single record.
Profile Name: Specify the name of the field for the new Profile.
Group By: Records are summarized in groups of values they have in common. A single record is returned for each group. That record is a sum of all the records in the group.
Group fields: Choose which fields to group by. The All and Clear buttons help with multiple selections.
None: Each record becomes its own Profile.
Spatial Object: Select the Spatial Object field from your incoming data stream.
Base Profile (Optional): Select the Base Profile field from your incoming data stream.
Takes the incoming known Geography Key (like a State or County FIPS code) and creates a Profile using the Spatial Object that corresponds to the Key.
Summarize: Specify the method to Summarize your data into profiles. Choices include:
All Records: All records are combined into a single record.
Profile Name: Specify the name of the field for the new Profile.
Group By: Records are summarized in groups of values they have in common. A single record is returned for each group. That record is a sum of all the records in the group.
Group fields: Choose which fields to group by. The All and Clear buttons help with making multiple selections.
None: Each record becomes its own Profile.
Records Are: Select the Known Geography Type of the incoming records from the dropdown list.
Key: Select the Key field of the Known Geography Type from your incoming data stream.
Base Profile (Optional): Select the Base Profile field from your incoming data stream.
The value from one Profile becomes the base for another Profile.
Summarize: Specify the method to Summarize your data into profiles. Choices include:
All Records: All records are combined into a single record.
Profile Name: Specify the name of the field for the new Profile.
Sum Profiles is auto-selected.
Profile: Select the Profile field from your incoming data stream.
Group By: Records are summarized in groups of values they have in common. A single record is returned for each group. That record is a sum of all the records in the group.
Group fields: Choose which fields to group by. The All and Clear buttons help with making multiple selections.
Sum Profiles is auto-selected.
Profile: Select the Profile field from your incoming data stream.
None: Each record becomes its own Profile.
Add Profile as Base is auto-selected
Profile: Select the Profile field from your incoming data stream.
Base Profile: Select the Profile field to serve as the Base from your incoming data stream.
Summarize: Specify the method to Summarize your data into profiles. Choices include:
All Records: All records are combined into a single record.
Profile Name: Specify the name of the field for the new Profile.
Group By: Records are summarized in groups of values they have in common. A single record is returned for each group. That record is a sum of all the records in the group.
Group fields: Choose which fields to group by. The All and Clear buttons help with making multiple selections.
Demographic: Select the demographic variable to build the Profile on. Values in this list depend on the dataset chosen (Household, Adult, Population, etc.).
Multiplier: Enter in a numeric multiplier (default is 1). This option multiplies each record by a constant number to be used if the input represents a sample of the actual survey/population.
Cluster Code: Select the field from your incoming data stream that contains a Cluster Code assigned to each record.
Count (Optional): Select the Count field from your incoming data stream.
Volumetric (Optional): Select the Volumetric field from your incoming data stream.
Base Count (Optional): Select the Base Count field from your incoming data stream.
Summarize: Specify the method to Summarize your data into profiles. Choices include:
All Records: All records are combined into a single record.
Profile Name: Specify the name of the field for the new Profile.
Group By: Records are summarized in groups of values they have in common. A single record is returned for each group. That record is a sum of all the records in the group.
Group fields: Choose which fields to group by. The All and Clear buttons help with making multiple selections.
Demographic: Select the demographic variable to built the Profile on. Values in this list depend on the dataset chosen (Household, Adult, Population, etc.).
Multiplier: Enter in a numeric multiplier (default is 1). This option will multiply each record by a constant number to be used if the input represents a sample of the actual survey/population.
Cluster Code: Select the field from your incoming data stream that contains a Cluster Code assigned to each record.
Count (Optional): Select the Count field from your incoming data stream.
Volumetric (Optional): Select the Volumetric field from your incoming data stream.
Base Count (Optional): Select the Base Count field from your incoming data stream.
Partial BG Codes: Unclassified or Distribute.