Release Note Product Versions | ||||
Version | Release Date | Release | End of Support | |
2020.1.1.23790 | March 5, 2020 | Major | September 5, 2021 | |
2020.1.2.24185 | March 13, 2020 | Minor | September 13, 2021 | |
2020.1.5.25447 | April 13, 2020 | Minor | October 13, 2021 |
Gallery Artisans can now see an additional confirmation dialog when they select Sharing > Place in Public Gallery. This reminds users content is being publicly shared in the Public Gallery.
Additionally, when users select Save As in Designer, they will now see explicit options for Private Gallery and Public Gallery.
Simplified Chinese is now available in Designer, making it the 8th supported language.
You can now toggle to any one of our 8 supported languages within Designer. Access all supported languages and Localization Settings via the globe icon next to Help in the main menu.
You can now sort your tool palette to follow English Alphabetical order, even if you're using a non-EN user interface. Access this new feature via globe icon > Localization Settings > Tool Palette Order. We do not yet support the sorting of Kanji characters.
Several enhancements related to Excel file input are now available:
When you select a .xlsx or .xlsm Excel file in the Input Data and the Output Data tools, you can now select a range for cells, rows, or columns.
The Excel Input screen now has a Refresh button. If you can't input an Excel sheet because the file is open in Excel, you can now close the file and select Refresh from the Excel Input screen without closing and reopening the screen.
The List of Sheet Names option in the Input Data tool for .xlsx files now returns the sheet names in the order they appear in Excel.
You can now Preserve Formatting on Overwrite when overwriting a sheet or range via the Output Data tool Options. In order to preserve formatting, you have to:
Select Overwrite Sheet or Range via Output Options.
Specify cell ranges in the output file path.
Holistic profiling allows you to view profiling for multiple columns at once in a single view in the Browse tool.
The following keyboard shortcuts are now available in Designer:
Select the Tool Palette: Ctrl + Shift + T
Select the Overview panel: Ctrl + Shift + V
Select the Results panel: Ctrl + Shift + G (results grid)
Select the Configuration panel: Ctrl + Shift + C
Select the Canvas: Ctrl + Shift + W
Select the Interface Designer Window: Ctrl + Shift + D
New one tool examples are available in In/Out, Preparation, Transform, Interface, Calgary, and Developer tool categories.
In/Out: Date Time Now
Preparation: Create Samples, Oversample Field
Transform: Arrange, Weighted Average
Interface: Control Parameter, Folder Browse, Macro Input, Macro Output
Calgary: Calgary Input, Calgary Join, Calgary Cross Count, Calgary Cross Count Append, Calgary Loader
Developer: API Output, Detour, Detour End, Python, Run Command
When you select a single tool on your canvas, the F2 key on your keyboard now opens the tool's Annotation configuration window with the cursor placed in the Annotation text field.
The font size of container names is no longer oversized when printing a workflow.
Macro Input questions are no longer deleted from the XML when they are cached.
Comments inside tool containers no longer hide tools.
The join order (Input_#1, Input_#2, etc.) in the Join Multiple tool is now maintained after saving.
You can now resize column widths in the tool configuration window. This is particularly helpful when working with long field names in the Join, Append Fields, and Join Multiple tools that previously required you to expand the configuration panel in order to see all columns.
You can now change the color of the input string number so that it is visible when opting into a darkened canvas in Designer. Go to User Settings > Canvas > Connection Settings > Text Color.
You can now open multiple copies of the same workflow again by selecting Allow multiple tabs of the same file to be open in User Settings or by selecting the Shift key while opening a file to open more than one of them.
Fixed Major Release Version 2020.1.1.23790 | |||
ID | Description | Version | Issue Status |
DE7877 | Parts of the canvas interface go blank when moused over. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE17463 | In-DB Table/FieldName SQL Style set to None for Read does not work. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE17494 | Cannot resize column widths in the user interface. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE18314 | Comments inside a Tool Container hide tools, even after saving. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE18653 | Browse window is blocking theworkflow complete pop-up window, preventing users from selecting OK. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE18668 | Alteryx 2018.4 takes over screen when a workflow completes. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE18842 | Inconsistent metadata handling in Python tools. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE18969 | Unable to display Variable Importance plot of Decision Tree Tool in Japanese version of Designer. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE19061 | The join order (Input_#1, Input_#2, etc.) in the Join Multiple tool is not maintained after saving. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE19541 | Error reading in data from Snowflake if scale for fixed decimal is zero. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE19705 | Shapefile (.shp) data, located under a folder that contains Japanese characters in the name, have issue loading encoding info. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE20430 | Yxdb viewer comes up behind main Designer window when opening. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE20576 | Designer only takes the child elements of the root XML Configuration node and persists that into the workflow, ignoring any attributes on the root XML Configuration node. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE21014 | When selecting specific assets when exporting, all assets are packaged and exported. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE21119 | The Table tool doesn't allow a color graph based on a formula. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE21164 | When importing data that contains multibyte characters into the Decision Tree tool, an error occurs (2019.3.2) | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE21247 | The Macro Input questions are deleted from the XML when they are cached. If the macro is saved after Macro Inputs were cached, the questions are missing. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE21325 | The Table tool drops borders in Japanese version of Designer. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE21546 | Disable All Tools that Write Output should allow caching. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE21924 | Tooltips prevent clicking on the menu when you right-click > Insert > Macro... on the Designer canvas. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE21947 | When you search for a tool that is inside of a disabled or folded container, go to the last parent container that is visible rather than the place on the canvas where the tool would be if you could see it. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22033 | Jupyter tool loses metadata when opening workflows with cached metadata. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22061 | Caching a workflow with errors results in an incomplete cache state. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22084 | The font size of container names is oversized when printing. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22087 | Inputting an open Excel document gives a persistent error message once the Excel document is closed. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22143 | Packaging a macro when encrypting results in an error. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22166 | Disable All Tools that Write Output: Output tools are disabled after conversion to a macro. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22168 | Canvas Settings: Cannot change the color of the input string. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22169 | Asset Management list (in user settings) is too small. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22198 | In the Reporting Table tool, selecting Bar Graph > Settings > and changing Color Mode, results in an unhandled exception. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22201 | Selecting Shift and using your mouse scroll wheel does not scroll horizontally in the browse data grid. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22223 | Switching from macro to workflow removes Runtime tab's wrappings. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22258 | Unhandled exception when a macro no longer exists. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22265 | Selecting Undo changes does nothing in the Save Workflow and Export Workflow dialogs when Group assets by tool is not selected. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22276 | Selecting Help from the context menu of some macro tools in the palette takes you to the Macro Tools help page rather than that specific tool's help page. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22277 | Close All But This and Close All should not appear when there is only one canvas tab in Designer. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22290 | When a UNC macro watcher goes offline, Designer locks up. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22299 | The Results Grid is slow to render when showing hidden fields. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22307 | Annotations do not behave correctly on Interface Tools. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22325 | A macro can be dropped into itself when dragged from the tool palette. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22336 | The Find tool cannot find the annotation text of interface tools. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22355 | Python tool is not finding jupytertool_venv as default environment. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22356 | Old Python workflows show "Kernel not found" error when invoking configuration window. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22422 | Text files cannot be dropped in the drag & drop section of the Files page of the Single Access Point. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22448 | File Recovery pops up when opening a new instance of Designer. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22451 | Convert Browse to Macro Output creates a MacroInput question type. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22487 | Macro Input In-DB tool has a clipping issue with the connection button. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22518 | Using Hide All Fields in the Browse tool and Browse Everywhere causes Show All Fields to not show all of the fields. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22647 | Unhandled exception affects some users when they right-click on a tool's context menu. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22669 | Tableau Hyper Data Extract (.hyper) files writes fixed decimal data types as string data types. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22785 | "Open Debug" debug workflow does not support the relative paths used in the original workflow. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
DE22830 | Incorrect translation for "Min" in Japanese Summary tool. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
US54807 | Default Canvas Annotation Settings to fonts that handle multibyte characters. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Fixed |
Minor Release Version 2020.1.2.24185 | |||
DE23933 | Delimiters are not being recognized in Input Tool. | 2020.1.2.24185 | Fixed |
Minor Release Version 2020.1.5.25447 | |||
DE23172 | In this release we have remediated an XML vulnerability, which may have resulted in a denial of service. | 2020.1.5.25447 | Fixed |
DE23980 | When you specify a Microsoft Excel sheet name in the Output Data tool, the sheet name is output as name$ (` and $ are added). | 2020.1.5.25447 | Fixed |
DE24071 | PDF output from the Render tool creates extra pages in Gallery. | 2020.1.5.25447 | Fixed |
DE24178 | CSV field name order is no longer preserved in Transpose and Cross Tab tools. | 2020.1.5.25447 | Fixed |
US61335 | Canadian geocoder does not work. | 2020.1.5.25447 | Fixed |
Known | |||
ID | Description | Version | Issue Status |
DE17987 | Salesforce Output persists a "iterate error HTTP /1.1 400 Bad Request" error in Japanese version. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Known |
DE18048 | Salesforce Output Security Token Issue | 2020.1.1.23790 | Known |
DE18410 | Output to Excel using Skip Field Names doesn’t work when Preserve Formatting on Overwrite is also selected. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Known |
DE18441 | Power BI Output does not display proper dataset name after running. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Known |
DE20015 | A multibyte character field name with AS query in SQL results in garbled letters. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Known |
DE21128 | Footer created page numbers are incorrect. Page numbers are stuck at a max of 18. Once at page 19, the page number reads Page 19 of 18. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Known |
DE21598 | Multibyte character issue in the Oracle Loader App. The message is not displayed correctly in Japanese version. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Known |
DE21770 | Strange glyphs appear when running the Predictive sample workflow #6 (Decision Tree). | 2020.1.1.23790 | Known |
DE21872 | A character is not showing on output from the Table tool in Japanese version. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Known |
DE21953 | Tabbing within the Find window eventually takes the user to the Tool Palette rather than keeping them in the Find window. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Known |
DE21955 | The DateTime Now tool in Japanese version of Designer is missing several output format options. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Known |
DE22207 | Find Tool window is not resizing correctly on Dock. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Known |
DE22492 | Users are unable to create a new Filter for an Insight. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Known |
DE22548 | The second export from IRG fails due to not bringing up a sheet option. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Known |
DE22597 | Closing Horizontal/Vertical Tab Groups results in the Run button disappearing. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Known |
DE22862 | Filename or folder path in Japanese causes UnicodeDecodeError on the Python Tool. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Known |
DE23933 | Delimiters are not being recognized in Input Tool. | 2020.1.1.23790 | Known |
DE23980 | When you specify a Microsoft Excel sheet name in the Output Data tool, the sheet name is output as name$ (` and $ are added). | 2020.1.1.23790 | Known |