Release Note Product Versions | ||||
Version | Release Date | Release | End of Support | |
2020.3.4.30228 | September 1, 2020 | Major | March 1, 2022 | |
2020.3.5.30242 | September 29, 2020 | Minor | March 29, 2022 | |
2020.3.7.30263* | October 27, 2020 | Minor | April 27, 2022 | |
2020.3.8.30287* | February 1, 2021 | Minor | August 1, 2022 | |
2020.3.9.30296* | March 8, 2021 | Minor | September 8, 2022 | |
2020.3.10.30347 | July 5, 2022 | Minor | September 8, 2022 |
*No items in this release.
The current installation experience is now quicker due to the use of a new methodology. If you install this version and then decide to go back to a prior version (for example, you install version 2020.4 and then decide to go back to version 2020.3), you must uninstall this version through your operating system (OS) and then install the older version.
You can now replace text in Designer via the Find and Replace window. Access this feature in the Designer main menu via Edit > Find or via the Ctrl + F keyboard shortcut. Visit Find and Replace for more information.
International DateTime support was added to the Report Header and Date Time Now tools, as well as the DateTimeParse and DateTimeFormat functions.
Calendar display mirrors Alteryx Designer language instead of OS language.
Korean Code Page 949 was added to the Input Data tool.
The Encrypt Workflow feature is now called Lock Workflow. Additionally, you now need to acknowledge that you understand the Lock Workflow feature before you can lock your workflow.
The Dynamic Replace tool was converted to AMP. With AMP, you can now use these built-in macro tools: Select Records, Count Records, Weighted Average, Date Time Now, Random % Sample, and Create Samples. Additionally, the 17 Interface tools used in Analytic Apps have been converted to AMP.
We now have 74 fully converted and 14 partially converted tools for you to use with AMP. For more information about tools that have been converted from the original engine to AMP, visit Tool Use with AMP.
The Word Cloud tool has the option to Generate Phrases. If you select that option, the tool treats two-word phrases as single phrases.
The Image to Text tool can parse PDFs that contain multiple languages.
The Image Template tool has an extended markup field to accommodate more info.
The Assisted Modeling tool has a new step. You can select whether you want the tool to walk you through each step in the modeling process or to build the model automatically.
Several updates and improvements were made to the Browse tool data profiling:
Data Profiling in the Browse tool is now capped at 300 MB. This allows you to process very large datasets faster. For each record in the incoming dataset, we process the record and add the record size to a counter. Once the counter reaches 300MB, we stop processing records. It is important to note that there is no specific number of records we can process. The limit depends on the dataset since a record size can range from 1 byte to a few thousand bytes. This record size is different from the file size, displayed in the Results grid and Data Profiling Holistic View. The file size is generally different since it has been compressed to optimize spacing. In other words, 300 MB of record size is not the same as 300 MB of file size.
We added a Distincts count for Float and Double data types.
We updated the data type icons for all data types in Holistic Data Profiling.
We now show a sample icon when a field in the dataset shows only a sample of the full dataset.
You can now filter the Data Profiling Holistic view based on Fields (columns) and Data Types.
You can now specify a port number for Email Events. The port number can still be added to the SMTP URL if needed.
We fixed an issue that prevented users from creating filters in the Insights tool. Previously, the filter panel collapsed before a filter could be edited. This issue has been addressed.
Previously, the Snowflake bulk loader only supported staging through an Amazon S3 bucket. You can now utilize Local Staging to stage data locally before it is copied to Snowflake. For more information, please visit Snowflake Help.
The PostgreSQL Bulk Loading functionality stages the data locally and performs a bulk copy operation for more performant writing to the database.
Teradata driver version 16.20 is now supported.
Users can now expect that XLSX files used in Input and Output tools will run with the AMP Engine when Use AMP Engine is selected.
A new One Tool Example (OTE) for the Insights tool is now available in Designer.
One Model Examples, which feature tools from the Alteryx Intelligence Suite, are now built into Designer. Select Help > Sample Workflows > Learn One Model at a Time.
Fixed Major Release Version 2020.3 | |||
ID | Description | Version | Issue Status |
DE7958 | Unicode name of a nested file in .zip archive is garbled. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE11099 | Problem writing spatial data to SQL server. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE13156 | Batch Macro: Union tool setting changes output results. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE13529 | Run Command tool sometimes throws an unhandled exception. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE16325 | Google BigQuery: Designer is unresponsive when adding Interface tools. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE19220 | Engine Log Timestamp Error: 1 minute vs. 60 seconds. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE19221 | Engine Log Timestamp Seconds Field Issue | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE21191 | Inappropriate error message is shown in the Multi-Field Formula tool in all non-EN supported languages. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE21770 | Decision Tree: Glyphs in predictive graphs. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE21955 | Date Time Now tool in Japanese UI misses several output format options. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE22492 | Unable to create a new Filter for an Insight. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE22924 | Certain sections of the Multi-Field Formula tool Configuration window are clipped and not fully visible. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE23592 | Annotations are being translated at runtime. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE23661 | Warning message no longer displays when you import less than 10,000 cells into the Text Input tool. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE23900 | Table tool XML configuration contains localized content (it should not). | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE23958 | With AMP Engine, Multi-Field Formula tool results with Missed Conversion errors. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE24007 | TS Forecast tool is not handling MBCS column names. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE24237 | Allow Select configuration component to be copied to the clipboard. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE24304 | Select a sheet dropdown is no longer cut off for Excel inputs and outputs. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE24347 | Render tools do not display Chinese or Japanese font and return a The font ???? could not be found message. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE24373 | Connection errors don't show in Configuration runs with AMP Engine. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE24610 | Report Text tool displays garbled field names. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE24685 | Dynamic Rename ignores certain columns. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE24736 | Oracle connection fails with a password that contains special characters. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE24816 | Workflow with no output only generates 1 row of data, while the same workflow with AMP Engine generates the full 3 million rows. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE25286 | Maps will now render in the Map Input and Map Interface tools in certain proxy environments for admin users. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE25316 | With AMP Engine, Browse Map displays multiple records as selected when only one is selected. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE25329 | Column names are garbled in Forest and Score tools in the Japanese version of Designer. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE25367 | Strange wrapping in Interface tool's anchor ("Q"). | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE25374 | Fixed the tool connection visual after deleting a tool between Tool Containers. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE25687 | When a field or column is renamed to a lower case, the new name is not propagated to the next tool with AMP Engine. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE25691 | R tool reports an error and halts the execution when running Association Analysis macro. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE25846 | With AMP Engine, the Basic Data Profile tool returns an incorrect value for Values with Both Whitespace. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE25874 | With AMP Engine, YXDB Map Reference Layer does not render for App selection. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE25875 | Dragging map browse window can change highlighted shape with AMP Engine. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE25918 | Locked Analytic Apps should not show Open Debug for errors. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE25931 | Data Connections always show as red when Test button is used in Workflow Dependencies window. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE25938 | Cache run from Data Cleanse fails in AMP. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE25969 | Action tools in Macro don't work as expected with AMP Engine. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE26038 | Japanese messages from the R tool are garbled. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE26130 | Engine.WorkflowFilename logic changed with AMP Engine. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE26162 | Folder path with Japanese characters in the Decision Tree tool causes an error. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE26213 | Replace Window throws an exception when you search for an empty string. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE26332 | Data Cleansing tool renames field in 2020.2. It doesn't return the original name. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
DE26343 | Find Replace: Using the Enter key after results are found, clears the results. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
* | The Topic Modeling tool correctly displays percentage values for the minimum and maximum dictionary options in the Configuration window. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
* | The Topic Modeling tool more closely matches the tokenization method used in the Text Pre-Processing tool. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
* | The Sentiment Analysis tool now displays only one warning for null rows. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
* | The Image to Text tool can now parse single characters. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Fixed |
Minor Release Version 2020.3.5.30242 | |||
DE26637 | ADLS can't connect to storage in proxy environment. | 2020.3.5.30242 | Fixed |
Known | |||
ID | Description | Version | Issue Status |
DE24958 | Charting and Insights: Charts are not rendering in Gallery. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE25056 | ToNumber function hangs if the string is not easily parsed. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE25287 | Power BI is not able to use Proxy. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE25315 | The BigQuery End User login option cannot connect in Proxy Server environment. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE25540 | Entering CDATA into a Formula tool crashes Alteryx. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE25550 | Interface Tools' annotations don't update when Questions or Actions are updated. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE25563 | Alteryx Designer: Container doesn't automatically move while inserting tools in a workflow. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE25581 | OneDrive Connector fails during run-time in Proxy Server environments. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE25704 | Error code 400011: Publish to Tableau Server with .tds metainfo file. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE25753 | Workflow upload to Analytics Hub is getting into an infinite loop if the workflow name is very long. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE25789 | The Render tool displays an error when it uses more than 999 rows. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE26017 | VQB does not support SAP HANA Views. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE26027 | Download tool results with "InboundNamedPip GetOverlappedResult: The pipe has been ended." | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE26029 | Map Input and Map Interface tools can't pull map tiles when used in Proxy Server environments. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE26077 | Open functions don't catch the exception when the original engine YXDB reader discovers it has an AMP Engine YXDB file. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE26134 | An "Unhandled Exception Occurred" error appears in Designer when disabling and enabling containers with multiple nested and closed Tool Containers. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE26161 | With AMP Engine, the double Byte space in a formula causes errors. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE26163 | Disabling the in-product notification also disables the check for updates functionality. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE26191 | With AMP Engine, Spatial Object selection within Map Browse not highlighting when there are multiple record packets. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE26223 | Workflow returns the Invalid XPath error on Action tool in 2020.2 but works in 2020.1. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE26237 | Custom Mapping intermittently disabled due to Table Name casing using Snowflake. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE26308 | Selecting Overwrite with Skip Field Name, causes hang for XLSX. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE26351 | Multi-Row Formula tool intermittent error: "Multi-Row Formula. You have found a bug. Replicate, then let us know. We shall fix it soon." | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE26366 | Data Profiling Configuration window does not load properly. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE26383 | The Tree View ordering of Actions in Interface Designer is not used by AMP. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE26423 | Over translation issue on Radio Button (others too) Interface tool in Japanese UI. The "First N% or Records" translated to Japanese word. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE26477 | Report Text tool PCXML Expert Mode paired with Email tool (blank email template). | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE26486 | Data Profiling filters don't persist when opened in a new window. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
DE26902 | Output Data tool fails to overwrite or append to Excel sheet with multibyte characters in the path. | 2020.3.4.30228 | Known |
*This defect does not have an associated defect number.
Fixed Patch/Minor Release Version 2020.3.10.30347 | |||
ID | Description | Version | Issue Status |
TELC-2814 GCSE-422 | AMP Engine may log sensitive information when processing workflows that contain Gallery Connections. | 2020.3.10.30347 | Fixed |