This page walks you through the steps to install Promote. The process takes about 15 minutes.
To download and install Promote, you need valid Quay credentials. If you don't have those credentials, contact your account executive or Alteryx Fulfillment.
Before you start the installation process, make sure you’ve satisfied all the System Requirements needed to run Promote.
If your local machine runs on Windows, use Bash (we recommend Git Bash) to run these commands. If your local machine runs on Mac OS or Linux, you can use Terminal.
On your local machine, extract the Promote installation file you received from your account executive or Alteryx Fulfillment:
tar -xvzf /PATH/TO/promote-2021.4.0-release.tar.gz
Navigate to the Promote 2021.4.0 installation directory you've extracted:
cd promote-2021.4.0
Use SCP (secure copy protocol) to copy the RPM file. Repeat this command for each node:
# Replace "USER" with your Promote username.
# Replace "NODE_IP" with the IP address of your node.
scp -r /PATH/TO/promote-installer-2021.4.0-el7.x86_64.rpm USER@NODE_IP:
The colon that follows the IP address directs the file to the default user home directory. On a new CentOS 7 machine, the default home directory is /home/centos.
If you receive a permissions error from SCP, provide the absolute path to your SSH key:
# Replace "USER" with your Promote username.
# Replace "NODE_IP" with the IP address of your node.
scp -i PATH/TO/KEY promote-installer-2021.4.0-el7.x86_64.rpm USER@NODE_IP:
Use the package manager to install the RPM file on all three nodes:
sudo yum install promote-installer-2021.4.0-el7.x86_64.rpm
Now that you've installed the RPM file on each node, you can view the Promote installer GUI. It guides you through the rest of the download and installation process.
Use a supported browser to connect to port 8000:
# Replace "MASTER_NODE_IP" with the external IP address of the node you want to use as your master.
Select Next.
Enter the internal and external IP addresses of the three nodes you want to use for Promote.
The master should be the node you've used to access the installer GUI.
Select Next.
Locate your Quay credentials. Copy and paste them into the GUI in the appropriate fields.
Select Next.
If the system-requirements check fails, the process stops and a message displays. It tells you how to resolve the issue. If needed, reinstall Promote after you resolve the issue.
Select Next.
The installer upgrades the Linux kernel (specifically, kernel-It-4.*.el7.elrepo.x86_64).
Select Next.
Promote downloads and installs on your three nodes.
A screen displays when the installation successfully completes.
The installer automatically redirects you to the registration screen, where you can create your Promote credentials and sign in. If the installer does not redirect you to that screen, navigate to the IP address of the master server in your supported browser:
# Replace "MASTER_NODE_IP" with the external IP address of the node that serves as your master.
Create your Promote credentials.
Select Submit.
You launched Promote and should now see the home screen display in your browser.
To view the service logs for the Promote installer, run this command from the terminal on your master node:
journalctl -u promote-installer
To tail the logs, run this command:
journalctl -f -u promote-installer
For reference, here's more information about journalctl.