Curators (Server admins) can delete workflows directly via the Admin interface. If you aren't a Curator, go to Delete a Workflow Via the Server UI for steps to delete a workflow from Server.
To delete a workflow or multiple workflows, go to Admin > Workflows.
If you delete a workflow, this workflow is removed from the associated collection.
Schedules associated with this workflow show the workflow name as 'MISSING'. On the detail page of that schedule, a message is displayed that the associated workflow has been deleted.
To delete a single workflow, go to Admin > Workflows.
On the Private, Public, or All tab, select the 3-dot menu next to the workflow you want to delete.
Select Delete. To confirm, select Delete.
To delete multiple workflows at once, go to Admin > Workflows.
As an admin, you can delete multiple workflows at once in all three tabs: Private, Public, and All.
On the Private, Public, or All tab, select the checkbox next to the workflows you want to delete.
Select Delete. To confirm, select Delete.