You can transfer a single or multiple assets to a new owner. In transfer, you can include or exclude schedules. You must have Curator permissions to transfer assets between users.
When you transfer an asset to a new owner, it moves from the old user’s studio to the new user’s studio and the ownership field will be updated. Any users in the old owner's studio will lose access to the workflow and schedules, and any user in the new owner's studio will have access to the workflow and schedules.
Connections are NOT transferred. Connections and credentials need to be updated after the transfer. For more information, go to the How to Update Credentials After Workflow Transfer section.
Past runs are not shared in the transfer.
Worker assignment is retained.
Version history is retained.
Schedules can only be transferred to a user with the Artisan or Curator role.
If transferring schedules, the new owner must have access to the schedule, otherwise, you won’t be able to transfer that schedule to the new owner.
New owners must have permission to schedule workflows.
You can transfer a workflow from the Workflows page or the Workflow Details page.
To transfer a workflow to a new owner, go to Admin > Workflows.
For the workflow you want to change the owner for: select the 3-dot menu or open the workflow and select Transfer Workflow in the upper right corner of the page.
Either select the 3-dot menu for the specific workflow, then select Transfer Owner.
Or go to the Workflow Details page and select Transfer Owner in the upper-right corner of the page.
A Transfer Workflow and Schedules window opens.
In the New Owner field, select the user you want to transfer the workflow to. If the user doesn’t have needed permissions or roles, you will be notified.
Optionally, you can also transfer the workflow’s schedules to the new owner. The workflow can have multiple schedules with different owners. Select or clear the schedules you want to transfer together with the workflow.
The workflow can have multiple schedules. Select or clear the schedules you want to transfer together with the workflow.
Select Transfer. Your selected workflow and schedules are now transferred to the new owner's studio.
To transfer multiple workflows, go to Admin > Workflows.
To select all workflows, select the Name checkbox. Clear the checkbox for workflows you would like to deselect. The number of selected items appears at the top of the Workflows table.
Select Transfer Owner in the upper right corner of the Workflows table. A Transfer Workflow and Schedules window pops up.
Select the user you want to transfer the workflows to.
Optionally, select the schedules you want to transfer together with the selected workflows. You can choose from the following options: None, Transfer Only Workflow Owner’s Schedules, and Transfer All Schedules for Workflows.
None: This option will not transfer any of the workflow’s schedules to the new workflow owner.
Transfer Only Workflow Owner’s Schedules: This option will transfer only the schedules that the workflow owner owns.
For example, workflow owner A has created schedules for their workflow and shared that workflow in a collection. Users B and C are in that collection and also create schedules for the workflow. If you select this option when transferring the workflow from owner A to a new user, only user A’s schedules for the workflow will transfer to the new owner along with the workflow.
Transfer All Schedules for Workflows: This option transfers ALL the schedules for the workflow to the new owner.
For example, workflow owner A has created schedules for their workflow and shared that workflow in a collection. Users B and C are in that collection and also create schedules for the workflow. If you select this option when transferring the workflow from owner A to a new user, ALL of the schedules from users A, B, and C for the workflow will transfer to the new owner along with the workflow.
Select Transfer. Your selected workflow and schedules are now transferred to the new owner's studio.
For more information on how to transfer workflows via Server API V3, go to Workflow Endpoints and User Endpoints.
When transferring workflows, connections are not transferred. Connections and credentials need to be updated after the transfer. Here are some tips on how to update credentials.
You have to share the DCM connection with the new user, or the user will need to open the workflow in Designer and connect to a new DCM connection.
When you transfer a workflow that uses a Server Data Connection to a new owner, a Curator has to share the Server Data Connection with the new owner. Or, the new owner can open the workflow in Designer and connect to a new data connection.
If you transfer a workflow that was created to always run with specific workflow credentials, an admin can share those credentials with the new user via Server. Or the new user can open the workflow in Designer and change the run-as credential option when re-saving the workflow to Server. This creates a new version of the workflow in Server.
Notification options are available in Notifications. These are automatically on. Server sends notifications to the past and new owner when you transfer assets via either the Server UI or API. For more information, go to the Notifications help page.