Use the Users page to invite new users and manage current users.
An admin must assign all workspace users at least 1 role to access the platform and applications.
Checkbox: Check the box in the table header to select all users. To make specific selections, check the box next to each user. Certain actions become available when you select users.
Name: User display name. Select the name of the user to review and edit details about the user account. For more information, go to User Details Page.
Email: Username (email address of users).
Status: Current status of the user.
Invited: User has been sent an email but has not yet selected the link to activate the account.
Enabled: User can log in and use Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC) normally.
Disabled: User account has been disabled by an admin. User can't use the project or workspace.
A disabled user's assets remain within AACAAC. Ownership does not transfer, however, the user can't access them. An admin has ownership privileges for the user's objects.
Roles: Number of roles the user is assigned.
Last Active: Timestamp for the last time the user signed in to AACAAC.
Invite: Invite users to the workspace. For more information, go to Manage Users.
Search: Search for specific usernames or email addresses.
Sort Columns: Select the Name or Last Active column to sort in ascending or descending order.
Filter Columns: Select the filter icon next to the Status or Roles column to configure filter options.
For the Status column, sort based on user status (for example, Enabled, Invited, and Disabled).
For the Roles column, sort based on which roles users have or don't have assigned to them.