Alteryx Connect is an add-on to Alteryx Server and must be installed on a separate node by a member of the Administrators group. The same version of Alteryx Server and Alteryx Connect is required. For Alteryx Server requirements, see the Alteryx Server Help for Administrators.
Machine: 64-bit only. 32-bit is not supported.
OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 or later
Chip: Dual core (single chip)
Processor: 2.5 GHz or faster
RAM: 12 GB
Disk Size: 100 GB
Chrome: latest
Safari MacOS: 11 and above
Firefox Standard Release: latest
Internet Explorer: 11 and above
Edge: latest
These requirements are the minimum requirements for installing and running Connect. Consider using more resources in the following cases:
In large environments it's appropriate to use more RAM (16GB and more).
In case of a large volume of concurrent users, it's recommended to use more CPU cores.
Using SSD storage is recommended for best performance. When using a large volume of data, SSD storage is highly recommended to prevent performance drop.
Ensure HTTP port 80 and SMTP email ports 25, 465, 2525, and 587 are open and not blocked by firewalls.
Ensure HTTPS port 443 is open if encrypting HTTP with SSL or TLS.
If manual console access to the H2 database is required, then port 8082 must also be open and not blocked by any other processes.
Other web services, such as Internet Information Services, use port 80. The Alteryx Connect instance will be inaccessible if other services use port 80. This port must be free and dedicated to Alteryx Connect.
Use port 8005 to shut down the Tomcat server. Before you start a Connect instance, make sure that port 8005 is not in use by any other application.
A minimum of 100 GB of free disk space is required for Alteryx Connect. You should review disk usage after the first year of operation. Disk space is affected by your environment and the amount of metadata stored by Alteryx Connect.
You should plan for 100 active users per CPU core.