Here you can find information about the encryption of your data at rest and in motion, including answers to frequently asked questions.
Auto Insights leverages best-in-class cloud services with the option to exploit native data encryption services for the protection of client data. By default, all client data at rest (while it is stored on disks) is secured using (AES256) encryption.
Auto Insights employs industry-grade encryption (TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3) for all web/HTTPS traffic.
Console access to Auto Insights services is limited to key operational staff and is protected through the use of SSH. SSH sessions are protected via identity-based certificates rather than passwords.
Do you support secure deletion (for example, degaussing/cryptographic wiping) of archived and backed-up data as determined by the tenant?
For information on Auto Insights' retention policy, see Data Retention and Purging. Secure deletion at the hardware level is handled by the cloud platform provider.
Are you able to generate unique encryption keys per customer/tenant?
No. Data is encrypted using Alteryx Managed Encryption Keys on Azure File Storage - see Encryption at Rest section below.
Do you maintain key management procedures, such as documenting ownership for each stage of the lifecycle of encryption keys?
Is tenant data encrypted at rest (on disk/storage) within your environment?
Yes, all data is encrypted at rest using Alteryx Managed Encryption Keys on Azure File Storage.
Do you have platform and data-appropriate encryption that uses open/validated formats and standard algorithms?
Yes, as provided by Azure.
Do you have the capacity to continuously monitor and report the compliance of your infrastructure against your information security baselines?
Is DDoS protection in place?
Yes, basic Azure DDoS defence is provided by default and Azure DDoS Protection Standard can be activated for stand-alone Auto Insights SaaS if required.