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Share a Report

These steps describe how to add viewers or editors to your report. You can also Send a Report and Schedule a Report.

  1. Select Share at the upper left corner of your report.

  2. Enter the names or emails of your collaborators.

  3. From the dropdown, select a permission level:

    • Viewer – They can see the report but not make changes.

    • Editor – They can make updates, refine insights, and collaborate in real time.

  4. Select Share.

  5. Grant dataset access. If your collaborators require access to underlying datasets, you can request it directly from the Share Report pop-up window. Select Manage > Request.

Schedule a Report

A schedule (also known as a subscription) lets you automate the delivery of a report at a specified frequency. Editors can create, manage, and customize schedules, while viewers can only unsubscribe from schedules they have been added to.

Create a Schedule

  1. Go to the report you want to schedule.

  2. Select Schedule.

  3. Select New Schedule and enter a name.

  4. Set the frequency , time, and Time Zone for when the report should be sent.

  5. Add recipients.

  6. Optionally, customize your message under Email Settings.

  7. Select Schedule to finish.

Edit a Schedule

If you are an editor for the report, you can edit the schedule.

  1. Go to the report you want to schedule.

  2. Select Schedule.

  3. Select the 3-dot menu next to the schedule you want to edit.

  4. Select Edit.

  5. Update the schedule details and select Save.

Delete a Schedule

Editors can delete a schedule:

  1. Select Schedule from the top of the report.

  2. Find the schedule you want to delete.

  3. Select the 3-dot menu > Delete.

Unsubscribe from a Schedule

If you are an editor, you can unsubscribe yourself from any schedule. If you are a viewer, you can only unsubscribe from schedules that you have been added to by an editor. As a viewer, you can't resubscribe yourself.

To unsubscribe:

  1. Select Schedule from the top of the report.

  2. Find the schedule from which you want to unsubscribe.

  3. Select the 3-dot menu > Unsubscribe me.