You can now execute all Alteryx Designer loaders in Connect.
Apache Tomcat was upgraded to 9.0.12.
There were security and user interface enhancements.
Password complexity enforcement was added.
Lineage between view and table(s) was added in the Oracle loader.
The DDL formatter can use pretty print to format an object's create scripts in the Hive and Impala loader.
Connect tools support UT8 and can extract Japanese and Korean table names.
All versions of the Publish to Tableau macro can now be parsed.
SQL parsing capability was improved along with the ability to fetch lineage to actual objects automatically.
You can now upload metadata to Connect from PostgreSQL.
Description | Issue Status |
On IE11, you are automatically redirected to the home page after signing out, which prevents using alternative credentials when Windows Authentication is enabled. | Known |
On IE11, placeholder text does not display for the alternate names of assets. | Known |
Loaded assets are versioned starting at version 2 if the asset has an attachment. | Known |
Asset recommendation used to cause deadlock on database with heavy traffic. Queries are now optimized and Asset recommendation is now fully functional. | Fixed |