Release Note Product Versions | |||
Version | Date | Release | End of Support |
2020.2.2.27029 | June 3, 2020 | Major | December 3, 2021 |
2020.2.3.27789* | June 15, 2020 | Minor | December 15, 2021 |
2020.2.4.30271 | December 22, 2020 | Minor | June 22, 2022 |
*No items in this release |
Users can now share their schedules and job results with other users in the same Collection. This allows users to ensure schedules continue to be managed when schedule owners are unavailable. It also provides the necessary visibility to reduce resource consumption for a given workflow by allowing users to share results. Learn how to share schedules with other Collection users in the Collections article.
The new Gallery Configuration page in Admin consolidates Gallery-level settings in one place. Access the Gallery Configuration page via the Configuration link in the Admin interface. Learn more in the Gallery Configuration article.
The new Alteryx Multithreaded Processing (AMP) Engine (also known in Server as e2) is available for experimental use on Server. The AMP engine supports multithreading and multicore processing resulting in increased speed of workflow execution. Server is allowing experimental (not for production) access to allow users to explore the execution and results of AMP-enabled workflows. For more info on enabling the AMP engine see the Controller article.
The new Gallery User V2 API exposes a way to pass workflow credentials. This allows users to start a workflow using a specific credential to which they have access. Learn more about including credentials as part of a workflow job in Credentials and the Gallery User API docs.
Previously, you could grant API access at a subscription level or for Curators only. The new user-level API access permission gives users a general API access key that they can use to access all APIs. (Gallery Subscription API access still needs to be granted on the subscription.) Learn more in the API access section of the Administer Users article.
Fixed Major Release Version 2020.2.2.27029 | |||
ID | Description | Version | Issue Status |
DE15143 | Missing options for dropdown and listbox when an app is run in the Gallery. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Fixed |
DE17899 | Fixed unknown error occurring when accessing subscription API key and secret. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Fixed |
DE20717 | Unable to translate Alias. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Fixed |
DE21359 | Missing Image from Sign In/Sign Up page. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Fixed |
DE22025 | Dropdown Interface tool not parsing DateTime values correctly. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Fixed |
DE22511 | Question header incorrectly displaying on some non-question pages. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Fixed |
DE22600 | Create Collection permission not properly applied to Artisans after 19.4 upgrade. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Fixed |
DE22608 | Confirmation dialog not displaying when uploading media files via Internet Explorer 11. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Fixed |
DE23056 | Subscription filter not clearing after being removed. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Fixed |
DE23468 | Chrome and Firefox autofill add user form data unexpectedly. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Fixed |
DE23504 | Corrected various help links. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Fixed |
DE23570 | Selecting the Replace workflow link multiple times before the initial request completed corrupts the workflow. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Fixed |
DE23591 | Updated included JQuery library. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Fixed |
DE23640 | Timezone select dialog was not displaying on first log in when using Firefox or Edge. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Fixed |
DE23769 | Workflow Results Completed column does not populate in Gallery. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Fixed |
DE23913 | MongoDB schema migration fails in WinAuth environments if user isn't found in AD. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Fixed |
DE23972 | Sorting users by role was not working correctly with 100+ users. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Fixed |
DE23994 | Admin API insights endpoint returns a 500 error. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Fixed |
DE24199 | User's details page loads indefinitely. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Fixed |
Minor Release Version 2020.2.4.30271 | |||
US73472 | Server now uses JQuery 1.9.1 as expected. | 2020.2.4.30271 | Fixed |
Known | |||
ID | Description | Version | Issue Status |
DE23565 | Viewing a user profile whose Active Directory given or surname is either NULL or empty displays a loading message indefinitely. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Known |
DE23650 | Workflow page doesn't display owner information correctly depending on authentication type. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Known |
DE23826 | The share dropdown on the workflow page doesn't include the option to share to a collection unless the user is a Curator. Sharing directly from the collection page works as intended and can be used as a workaround. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Known |
DE24033 | Gallery does not allow preview or download of non-Excel output files when List View selected. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Known |
DE24253 | Custom Theme styles are not being applied to re-run button. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Known |
DE24620 | Selecting the owner of a collection loads a blank page. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Known |
DE24688 | Workflow results did not correctly display assigned worker tags | 2020.2.2.27029 | Known |
DE24739 | Some collection content does not display properly when using IE 11. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Known |
DE24777 | Better error messaging is needed when a user attempts to access a workflow that isn't shared with them. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Known |
DE24847 | Creating a schedule using Days/Weeks causes an error on Japanese and Chinese operating systems. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Known |
DE25081 | Delete/Remove icons are smaller than expected when using IE 11. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Known |
DE25084 | Deleting a workflow credential from Admin > Credentials doesn't refresh the display as expected. If a user attempts to delete the credential again a "Credential could not be found" error occurs because the credential was already removed. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Known |
DE25091 | AMP/e2 disabled message displays when replacing a workflow that uses the Original engine. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Known |
DE25140 | Workflow results table may have some aesthetic issues when using lower-resolution displays. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Known |
DE25261 | Unable to copy model schema in IE11 when accessing the /user/v2/workflows/{appID}/jobs endpoint in the API documentation. | 2020.2.2.27029 | Known |