Release Note Product Versions | |||
Version | Date | Release | End of Support |
2021.2.1.35394 | May 17, 2021 | Major | November 17, 2022 |
2021.2.2.45235 | July 22, 2021 | Minor | November 17, 2022 |
2021.2.3.07036 | April 28, 2022 | Minor | November 17, 2022 |
The admin Data Connections functionality in Server has been updated with a new UI: Connections can now be shared with custom groups. Users will be able to execute workflows using these connections only if these connections have been shared with those users either directly or via a group; this improves security around data connections. Go to the Data Connections help page for more info.
We've added the ability to specify a list of allowed hosts you want to allow Server to serve. Use this as a security measure to prevent HTTP host header attacks. Go to the Gallery Configuration help page for more info.
We've added support to set the API Access user permission as a bulk action. Go to the User Roles and Permissions help page for more info.
We've added the ability for Gallery admins to filter the user and group lists by user role. Go to the User Roles and Permissions help page for more info.
The Active user setting is now available for all integrated Windows authentication environments to allow administrators to deactivate users regardless of which authentication method their Server environment uses. Go to the User Roles and Permissions help page for more info.
As requested by customers, the dropdown on the workflow page providing sharing options has been removed. This removes the options to share workflows via social media and email from this page. Now to make a workflow public, use a toggle that has been added to the page that also represents the current state of the workflow.
The option to add workflows to collections from this menu was also removed as it was no longer functioning appropriately. The option was only available to users with the Curator role and wasn't properly disabled if users didn't have the permission to create collections. This could result in errors if the collection didn't exist. To add workflows to collections, use the functionality 'Add Workflow' provided in collections. Go to the Add Workflows and Insights to a Collection help page for more info.
We've made these improvements to the API:
The ability to version workflows via the API and the ability to publish and fetch version comments. This supports customer efforts to establish a version control system for Alteryx. See the Gallery API Overview for steps to access documentation with more info.
The ability to fetch user groups associated with a given data connection. See the Gallery API Overview for steps to access documentation with more info.
Server is now whitelisting the connectors' encrypted and decrypted fields to publish the workflow on it. The whitelisted fields are: PowerBI Output (AccessToken and RefreshToken), SharePoint Input (AccessToken and RefreshToken), and SharePoint Output (AccessToken and RefreshToken).
Server should enter a maintenance mode any time a schema migration is required and will not allow Server to enter a functional state until the schema migration completes. If the migration continues to fail due to any unforeseen circumstances, Server will stay in a maintenance mode or shut down after a number of retries.
For example, the migration could be prevented from taking place due to duplicate records in the MongoDB. To solve this particular issue, go to the Community article Gallery Not Starting after Upgrading to 2021.2 - Error: Duplicate Key.
Fixed Major Release Version 2021.2.1.35394 | |||
ID | Description | Version | Issue Status |
DE18063 | Duplicate users are no longer created in Windows Authentication environments if the users first login was via the admin page. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Fixed |
DE22831 | In order to address a security concern, admins are now able to define a list of approved hostnames Server is allowed to serve content for. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Fixed |
DE26610 | Corrected some inconsistent error messaging related to user login failures. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Fixed |
DE26613 | API error responses no longer disclose the full file path when reporting errors related to a file on Server. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Fixed |
DE26615 | Updated our implementation of DPAPI to mitigate a security risk. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Fixed |
DE27352 | Updated API documentation for the GET /admin/v1/workflows/migratable endpoint to reflect that the value of the 'IsReadyForMigration' parameter is always false when called via API docs. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Fixed |
DE27546 | Some fields were not updated appropriately when editing schedules. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Fixed |
DE27602 | Schedule 'Occcurence' now lists the timezone associated with the next run time in order to prevent confusion. Note: The Server's timezone will be displayed, not the users' selected timezone. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Fixed |
DE27636 | The 'Try it Out!' button in the API documentation should no longer appear grayed out for users. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Fixed |
DE28239 | The 'Cancel' button on the status tab for the Admin > Jobs page no longer renders outside of the table. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Fixed |
DE29389 | Corrected a configuration validation error in System Settings when using advanced connections strings for Gallery persistence in some environments. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Fixed |
Minor Release Version 2021.2.2.45235 | |||
DE29320 | Workflow credential may not allow a password to be updated after a password is changed in AD. | 2021.2.2.45235 | Fixed |
DE29826 | The My Profile page exposes "canCreateCollections" permission to modification without backend validation of user's permission. | 2021.2.2.45235 | Fixed |
Minor Release Version 2021.2.3.07036 | |||
TELC-2713 | After upgrade from 2020.3 to 2021.2, all production workflows involving HDFS failed with the error: Failed to retrieve upload redirect URL ( Error 500: Internal Server Error - Unknown error. | 2021.2.3.07036 | Fixed |
Known Major Release Version 2021.2.1.35394 | |||
ID | Description | Version | Issue Status |
DE28436 | Page title doesn't update appropriately when navigating from Private Studio to Home. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Known |
DE28485 | Users are not able to authenticate using SAML authentication when the setting "Unregistered Users Can Run Public Workflows" is enabled. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Known |
DE28632 | Safe mode may not be enforced for schedules created in the first 10 minutes after enabling it. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Known |
DE28757 | Workflows with an equal sign (=) in the name return an unexpected error when run from Server. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Known |
DE29302 | When editing a schedule from a collection that requires credentials the appropriate fields to enter credentials may not display. This will cause the schedule to fail if changes are saved. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Known |
DE29321 | Update API documentation to clarify the components used to build the full URI. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Known |
DE29538 | Long connection string names not containing spaces or hyphens do not wrap appropriately. This can cause the text to overlap and partially obscure other fields. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Known |
DE29539 | New Data Connections UI doesn't dynamically resize columns based on browser size or screen resolution. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Known |
DE29540 | If the Data Connections table is empty, the pagination will show 1 of 0 instead of 1 of 1. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Known |
DE29685 | A user's API access key may not generate appropriately on a new database. If this issue occurs, toggle the user's API access permission off and back on a second time. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Known |
DE33472 | Session handling changes for Windows Authentication environments may result in session conflicts, pages failing to load, or users being redirected to the home page when accessing Server from multiple clients at the same time. Effected can be clients including all supported browsers (also when using multiple tabs), and Designer. | 2021.2.1.35394 | Known |
Fixed Minor Release Version 2021.2.3.07036 | |||
TELC-2814 | AMP Engine may log sensitive information when processing workflows that contain Gallery Connections. | 2021.2.3.07036 | Fixed |
Known | |||
ID | Description | Version | Issue Status |
TGAL-6764 | To be disclosed.* | All 2021.2.x versions | Known |
TGAL-6772 GCSE-822 | To be disclosed.* | All 2021.2.x versions | Known |
*In accordance with security best practices and to prevent potential manipulation by bad actors, Alteryx does not disclose the details of any open vulnerability until all supported versions are updated with a fix. Beginning with 2022.3, releases and updates will become available and will continue until the fix has been supplied for all supported versions. To ensure that all versions you use are promptly fixed, regular updates are strongly recommended. More information will be made available once the vulnerability has been fixed for all supported versions that were impacted.