You can now open Connect Data Sources and Analytic Workflows from Designer.
You now receive indicators for missing information on asset pages.
Category lists of assets now provide a visual indicator depicting an asset’s popularity.
You can now restore deleted assets using metadata loaders.
You can now upload metadata to Connect from the following data sources:
DB2 Database
HDFS Server
SAP HANA Database
We now support multi-domain authentication.
We have improved performance to better serve concurrent usage.
We now wrap long asset names on special characters to prevent truncation.
The relationships menu removes relationships rather than deleting assets.
Data previews are now cached.
You can now select your preferred date/time format.
Description | Issue Status |
If the 65536 record limit is reached when exporting to .xls, Connect does not provide a notification. | Fixed |
If you make inline edits, Connect does not record the changes to the Recent Activity feed. | Known |