Install Dependencies without Internet Access
Offline dependencies should be included in the URL location that Alteryx® provided to you. Please use the \*deps\*
If your installation server is connected to the Internet, the required dependencies are automatically downloaded and installed for you. You may skip this section.
Use the steps below to acquire and install dependencies required by the Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta platform. If you need further assistance, please contact Alteryx Support.
Install CentOS or RHEL dependencies without Internet access
Install software dependencies on CentOS or RHEL
In a CentOS or RHEL environment, the dependencies repository must be installed into the following directory:
The following commands configure Yum to point to the repository in
, which yum knows aslocal
. Repo permissions are set appropriately. Commands:tar xvzf <DEPENDENCIES_ARCHIVE>.tar.gz mv local.repo /etc/yum.repos.d mv trifacta /var/local chown -R root:root /var/local/trifacta chmod -R o-w+r /var/local/trifacta
The following command installs the RPM while disable all repos other than local, which prevents the installer from reaching out to the Internet for package updates:
The disabling of repositories only applies to this command.
sudo yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=local install <INSTALLER>.rpm
If the above command fails and complains about a missing repo, you can add the missing repo to the
list. For example, if thecentos-base
repo is reported as missing, then the command would be the following:sudo yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=local,centos-base install <INSTALLER>.rpm
If you do not have a supported version of a Java Developer Kit installed on the Trifacta node, you can use the following command to install OpenJDK, which is included in the offline dependencies:
Java 11:
sudo yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=local,centos-base install java11-openjdk-11 java-11-openjdk-devel
Java 8:
sudo yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=local,centos-base install java-1.8.0-openjdk-1.8.0 java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel
For CentOS 8.x: If you are installing on CentOS 8.x, you must complete the following manual dependency install for NodeJS.
sudo yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=local nodejs-18.20.3-1nodesource.x86_64.rpm
Install database dependencies on CentOS or RHEL
If you are installing the databases on a CentOS node without Internet access, you can install the dependencies using the appropriate command:
This step is only required if you are installing the databases on the same node where the software is installed.
For PostgreSQL 12.3:
sudo yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=local install postgresql12-server
Databases are installed after the software is installed. For more information, see Install Databases in the Databases Guide.
Install database client on CentOS or RHEL
If you are installing the databases on a remote server from the Trifacta node, then you must install the database client for your database distribution on the Trifacta node.
The server dependencies include both server and client. This step is only required if you are installing the database server on a remote node from the Trifacta node.
PostgreSQL DB client:
Please complete the following steps to install the database client. Please modify the commands for CentOS/RHEL 8 and PostgreSQL 12.3.
Login to the Trifacta node.
If you have not done so already, download and unzip the dependencies for your distribution.
Remove the client if it exists on the node. The following removes the PostgreSQL 9.6 client:
yum list installed | grep postgresql sudo yum erase postgresql96.x86_64 postgresql96-libs.x86_64
Verify that
are not present:which psql which pg_dump
Install the client from the RPM. The following installs the PostgresQL 12 client for CentOS/RHEL 7.x:
cd /opt/trifacta/rpms/el/7/ sudo yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=local install postgresql-client-12
Verify that
are not present:which psql which pg_dump
Verify that
is working and can connect to the remote DB server:psql --host=<remote_db_hostname> --username=<username> --dbname=<database_name>
Above requires a password. For more information on default database names and usernames, see Manual Database Install.
Install Ubuntu dependencies without Internet access
Install software dependencies on Ubuntu
In an Ubuntu environment, you can use the following sequence of commands to install the dependencies without Internet access. The following example is for Release 9.2.0 and Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal).
Login to the Trifacta node.
If you have not done so already, download and unzip the dependencies for your distribution.
Execute the following commands to unzip the TAR file and install the dependencies:
cd /opt sudo mv trifacta-server-deps-9.2.0-ubuntu-20.04.tar.gz . sudo gunzip trifacta-server-deps-9.2.0-ubuntu-20.04.tar.gz sudo tar xvf trifacta-server-deps-9.2.0-ubuntu-20.04.tar
Install database dependencies on Ubuntu
If you are installing the databases on an Ubuntu node without Internet access, you can install the dependencies using the appropriate command:
This step is only required if you are installing the databases on the same node where the software is installed.
Execute the following command on the TAR file to view the available PostgreSQL dependencies:
tar tvf trifacta-server-deps-9.2.0-ubuntu-20.04.tar.gz | grep -i pg | awk '{print $6}'
The available PostgreSQL dependencies are displayed:
trifacta-repo/postgresql-client-12_12.5-1.pgdg16.04+1_amd64.deb trifacta-repo/postgresql-12_12.5-1.pgdg16.04+1_amd64.deb
For PostgreSQL 12.3:
sudo dpkg -i postgresql-12_12.5-1.pgdg16.04+1_amd64.deb
Databases are installed after the software is installed. For more information, see Install Databases in the Databases Guide.
Install database client on Ubuntu
If you are installing the databases on a remote server from the Trifacta node, then you must install the database client for your database distribution on the Trifacta node.
The server dependencies include both server and client. This step is only required if you are installing the database server on a remote node from the Trifacta node.
DB client for PostgreSQL 12.3:
sudo dpkg -i postgresql-client-12_12.5-1.pgdg16.04+1_amd64.deb