Alteryx Connect is an add-on to Alteryx Server and must be installed on a separate node by a member of the Administrators group.
Review the System Requirements.
Download the Alteryx Connect installation package and open the installer.
If Connect is not a downloadable product option for your account, ask your Sales representative to grant you access.
Run the installer on your designated Connect Server.
At the prompt, provide the destination folder for the application.
This drive should have at least 100 GB of free space.
Enter the Port, typically 80 for HTTP, and select Next.
Port 80 is the default value.
Review the license agreement, accept the license agreement, and select Next.
Select Next to install Alteryx Connect.
After the installer is run, the AlteryxConnect and java.exe process will both be running in the Task Manager.
Select Start the Alteryx Connect service now to start the Alteryx Connect service in the background.
After startup, you can access the Alteryx Connect instance at http://localhost.
You can start Connect at a later time manually in Services.
The window will indicate progress for starting the service, loading the configuration, loading content, and starting the service. This step takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Select Next.
Access the Alteryx Connect instance at http://localhost:80 is selected by default. Select Finish. The default administrator credentials are:
Username: admin
Password: Conn3ct!
Enter the Username and Password and Sign In.
To make the communication between client and server much more secure, you can make Connect run on https protocol. During the setup process or if you have already installed Connect, you have the option to Configure SSL.
Select Enable SSL on the initial setup screen. Select Next.
If Connect is running, you will have to stop the service. Select the Stop service button and wait until another screen appears.
On the next screen, check the Set up SSL box or leave it selected if already checked. Now you have two options:
Upload existing certificate: To use an existing keystore or create new one, enter the following and select Next.
https port: the default is set to 443 unless you specify a different value.
Keystore password
In case you want to import a password protected PFX certificate, the password must match the keystore's password, otherwise Tomcat won't be able to read it. If you used different values for 'srcstorepass' and 'deststorepass' parameters, you have to change the certificate password.
keytool.exe -keypasswd -alias mypfx -keystore "c:\Program Files\AlteryxConnect\connect.keystore"
Keystore file name
Path to keystore. You also have the option to browse for the keystore.
Redirect http communication (optional): by default, you are redirected to use https if currently using http.
Generate self-signed certificate: If you already have a keystore with a certificate, skip this step. To generate a self-signed certificate, enter the following and select Next.
Alias: name of the certificate in the keystore; can be random value.
Domain name: baseurl of your Connect instance; Domain name should match the URL you will use to access Connect.
Organizational unit
Organizational name
City or locality
State or province
Two letter country code
To allow Connect to create a new signing request, enter the following and select Next. You can skip this step, e.g. if you are using already existing keystore with a certificate.
Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file
Path to the file
To Import certificates, you will need to manually enter the following information and select Next:
Certificate file
Path to the file
On the next page, leave the checkbox Start the Alteryx Connect service now selected and select Next.
You will get a notification that the service is up and running. Select Next.
On the next page, select Finish to open Connect in your browser.
For more detailed description how to set up SSL, see the Community article How To: Enable SSL in the Connect Installer. It is valid for versions 19.1 and higher.
Currently, the Connect installer only supports self-signed certificates.
Connect version 19.1 or higher.
PFX file containing both private key and public key.
If you do not have a PFX file, see Installation Troubleshooting.
Follow these steps to import a Certificate Authority (CA) signed certificate after enabling SSL with the Installer. Note that the values on your configuration might be different from those used here.
Enable SSL as described in SSL Configuration or in the Community article How To: Enable SSL in the Connect Installer.
Make sure your Connect instance is able to start and run using the https protocol.
Open the command line and navigate to the folder containing keytool.exe:
cd "c:\Program Files\AlteryxConnect\jre\bin"
To manipulate a file in Program files, you might have to Run the Command Prompt as Administrator to have the elevated permissions.
List all keys in your keystore:
keytool.exe -list -keystore "c:\Program Files\AlteryxConnect\connect.keystore" -storepass password
In the keystore you should see the private and public key.
Before creating backup of the .keystore file and deleting the old certificate, it is necessary to stop Alteryx Connect service.
To use a different private key, you have to remove the self-signed one first. Before removing, backup the keystore:
copy "c:\Program Files\AlteryxConnect\connect.keystore" "c:\Program Files\AlteryxConnect\connect_bckp.keystore"
Remove the PrivateKeyEntry using the alias as identification:
keytool.exe -delete -alias mycert -keystore "c:\Program Files\AlteryxConnect\connect.keystore" -storepass password
Verify the certificate has been removed by listing the content of the keystore.
Import your PFX file.
The file is most likely password protected. Don't forget to change the value of 'srcstorepass' and 'deststorepass' parameters.
The certificate password must match the keystore's password, otherwise Tomcat will not be able to read it. If you used different values for 'srcstorepass' and 'deststorepass' parameters, you have to change the certificate password.
keytool.exe -keypasswd -alias mypfx -keystore "c:\Program Files\AlteryxConnect\connect.keystore"
You have to provide: Keystore password, password for the certificate, and new password for the certificate. Then re-type the new password for the certificate.
You might need to change the 'srcalias' as your key might have a different one. The easiest way would be to omit both 'srcalias' and 'destalias' and list keystore. The alias will likely remain the same.
keytool.exe -importkeystore -srckeystore "c:\mycerts\pkcs12\ServerName.pfx" -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore "c:\Program Files\AlteryxConnect\connect.keystore" -deststoretype JKS -srcalias 1 -destalias mypfx -srcstorepass servername -deststorepass password
Verify the certificate has been imported successfully. The type of the certificate has to be 'PrivateKeyEntry'.
Restart the Alteryx Connect service. Connect will start using the new certificate from the PFX file.
It might be necessary to reopen web browser and clear browser cache to make new certificate works.
For more information, see the Community article How To: Import a PFX Certificate.
Enter the User name and Password and Sign In.
Connect will then prompt you for initial configuration steps for:
Admin Password - enter a password for the default administrator
H2 Password - enter a password for the H2 user.
Instance Settings - Enter the base URL to access the site. This may be the machine name or a DNS name.
SMTP Settings - Enter the SMTP Server Name, Protocol (SSL/TLS), default email to send mail as, and credentials to the SMTP server if required.
Change the default administrator password:
Select your icon in the top-right of the screen and select My Profile.
In the Superadmin Information section, type the default administrator password and set and confirm a new password.
Select Save.
To load data asset metadata, configure users, and perform other administrative tasks, see Administer Connect.
Wait at least ten minutes for the Alteryx Connect service to initialize before trying to access Alteryx Connect. If you still cannot access the URL, check to see if the Alteryx Connect service is running:
Open the Windows Task Manager.
Select the Services tab.
Find AlteryxConnect in the list. Its status should be "Running". If it shows "Stopped", proceed to the next step.
Select Services.
In the list of services, select Alteryx Connect.
Select Start.
Try the following:
Restart the AlteryxConnect service:
Open the Windows Task Manager.
Select the Services tab.
Select Services.
In the list of services, select Alteryx Connect.
Select Restart.
Shut down and restart the Alteryx Connect server:
Go to <installation_path>\bin. The default installation path is C:\Program Files\AlteryxConnect.
Execute shutdown.bat, followed by startup.bat.