This section describes how to install the MySQL database server, after which you can create and initialize the databases and their users.
MySQL 5.7 Community is not supported on CentOS/RHEL 8.x.
You must install a supported version of the database. For more information on supported versions of this database type, see System Requirements in the Planning Guide.
The installing user must have write permissions to the directory from which the commands are executed.
The installing user must have sudo privileges.
The database client should already be installed. See Install Database Client for MySQL.
The MySQL Java driver is not packaged with the Alteryx installer. If you are installing the Alteryx databases into MySQL, please acquire the following driver files.
This file can be downloaded from the following locations:
This file needs to be installed in the following locations on the Trifacta node:
When the Alteryx databases are hosted on MySQL, for the installation process, you must enable the log_bin_trust_function_creators
flag. When enabled, this flag allows MySQL to trust the creators of stored functions to not write unsafe events to the binary log.
This flag is a global flag in MySQL. It is only required during the installation process and can be disabled afterward.
For more information, see
If you are installing the database in a MySQL instance, a separate base configuration has been provided. This configuration file is stored in the following location:
To use MySQL, you should back up the default configuration file and then copy the MySQL version in its place:
If you have already applied configuration changes to trifacta-conf.json
through the above file or the Admin Settings page, these changes are lost when the following steps are performed. You must manually migrate those changes over or apply the MySQL changes manually.
cp /opt/trifacta/conf/trifacta-conf.json /opt/trifacta/conf/trifacta-conf.json.POSTGRES_DB
cp /opt/trifacta/conf/trifacta-conf.json.MYSQL_DB /opt/trifacta/conf/trifacta-conf.json
The following distributions and commands are for MySQL Community Server 5.7.
O/S Distribution | URL | Package Name |
CentOS 7 | | mysql-community-server |
CentOS 8 | Note MySQL 5.7 Community is not supported on CentOS/RHEL 8.x. | mysql-community-server |
RHEL 7 | | mysql-community-server |
RHEL 8 | Note MySQL 5.7 Community is not supported on CentOS/RHEL 8.x. | mysql-community-server |
O/S Distribution | URL | Package Name |
Ubuntu 20.04 | ||
Ubuntu 18.04 |
For CentOS 7.x:
# Install MySql Repo List
sudo wget
sudo rpm -Uvh mysql80-community-release-el7-1.noarch.rpm
# Check list of available Mysql Repos; by default 8.0 is enabled, but we want 5.7
yum repolist all | grep mysql
# Disable 8.0 and enable 5.7
sudo yum-config-manager --disable mysql80-community
sudo yum-config-manager --enable mysql57-community
# Verify repo state
yum repolist all | grep mysql
# Install Mysql Server
sudo yum install mysql-community-server
# Start mysql server
sudo systemctl start mysqld.service
# Verify status
sudo systemctl status mysqld.service
For CentOS 8.x:
MySQL 5.7 Community is not supported on CentOS/RHEL 8.x.
# Install MySql Repo List
sudo wget
sudo rpm -Uvh mysql80-community-release-el7-1.noarch.rpm
# Check list of available Mysql Repos; by default 8.0 is enabled, but we want 5.7
yum repolist all | grep mysql
# Disable 8.0 and enable 5.7
sudo yum-config-manager --disable mysql80-community
sudo yum-config-manager --enable mysql57-community
# Verify repo state
yum repolist all | grep mysql
# Install Mysql Server
sudo yum install mysql-community-server
# Start mysql server
sudo systemctl start mysqld.service
# Verify status
sudo systemctl status mysqld.service
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x: See CentOS 7 above.
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x: See CentOS 8 above.
For Ubuntu 20.04:
# Install and configure repo config package
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lsb-release
sudo debconf-set-selections <<< "mysql-apt-config mysql-apt-config/select-server select mysql-5.7"
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive dpkg -i mysql-apt-config_0.8.10-1_all.deb
sudo apt-get update
# Set Installer configs Admin password and install MySql Server package
sudo debconf-set-selections <<< "mysql-community-server mysql-community-server/root-pass password <MYSQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD>"
sudo debconf-set-selections <<< "mysql-community-server mysql-community-server/re-root-pass password <MYSQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD>"
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install mysql-community-server
sudo service mysql start
After you have completed the installation, you must acquire the port information for each database from the following locations on the Trifacta node. These port numbers need to be applied inside the Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta platform.
CentOS/RHEL (MySQL 5.7):
The default port is 3306
Ubuntu (MySQL 5.7) : Not supported.
If your MySQL databases are in a different timezone from the Trifacta node, you must configure the timezone value for each database, so that it can be inserted as part of the connection string.
If the Trifacta node and your MySQL databases are co-located in the same timezone, you can skip this section.
In the Admin Settings page, these parameters are in the following form:
"*.database.mySqlServerTimezone": "",
For each database, insert the appropriate timezone value. For more information on supported values, see the documentation for your MySQL product.
When using MySQL, you must enable the following modes:
These modes are enabled by default in deployments of upstream MySQL. They must be enabled manually if you are installing the databases in a hosted environment, such as Amazon RDS or Azure MySQL. Refer to your MySQL host's documentation.
To verify:
To verify if these modes are enabled, please execute the following query:
SELECT @@sql_mode;
The two required values should be listed in the query output.
To enable:
For more information on enabling these modes, see
This section only applies to CentOS and RHEL platforms only where MySQL is the installed database.
By default, MySQL enforces a stricter password policy on database passwords. If you prefer to set your own passwords outside of this policy, you must lower the password policy. Please complete the following steps:
# Get temporary root password from mysql log
sudo grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log
# Connect to server as root
mysql -uroot -p
# Update password
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<my_new_password>';
# Unless you plan to update all the User passwords to be meet MySql Security requirements, you should set the password policy to low
SET GLOBAL validate_password_policy=LOW;