This example demonstrates functions that can be used to change the case of String values.
Item | Description |
UPPER Function | All alphabetical characters in the input value are converted to uppercase in the output value. |
LOWER Function | All alphabetical characters in the input value are converted to lowercase in the output value. |
PROPER Function | Converts an input string to propercase. Input can be a column reference or a string literal. |
In the following example, you can see a number of input values in the leftmost column. The output columns are blank.
input | uppercase | lowercase | propercase |
AbCdEfGh IjKlMnO | |||
go West, young man! | |||
Oh, *(*$%(&! That HURT! | |||
A11 w0rk and n0 0play makes Jack a dull boy. |
To generate uppercase, lowercase, and propercase values in the output columns, use the following transforms:
Transformation Name |
Parameter: Columns | uppercase |
Parameter: Formula | UPPER(input) |
Transformation Name |
Parameter: Columns | lowercase |
Parameter: Formula | LOWER(input) |
Transformation Name |
Parameter: Columns | propercase |
Parameter: Formula | PROPER(input) |
input | uppercase | lowercase | propercase |
AbCdEfGh IjKlMnO | ABCDEFGH IJKLMNO | abcdefgh ijklmno | Abcdefgh Ijklmno |
go West, young man! | GO WEST, YOUNG MAN! | go west, young man! | Go West, Young Man! |
Oh, *(*$%(&! That HURT! | OH, *(*$%(&! THAT HURT! | oh, *(*$%(&! that hurt! | Oh, *(*$%(&! That Hurt! |
A11 w0rk and n0 0play makes Jack a dull boy. | A11 W0RK AND N0 0PLAY MAKES JACK A DULL BOY. | a11 w0rk and n0 0play makes jack a dull boy. | A11 W0rk And N0 0play Makes Jack A Dull Boy. |