December 24, 2024
In case of Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta Enterprise Edition, publishing to Tableau isn't supported for the S3 storage protocol.
We upgraded Nodejs to version 18.20.3.
Ticket | Description |
TSMC-1556 | Unable to rename more Deployments in the same UI session. |
TSMC-1430 | Trifacta failed to upgrade from version 9.2 to version 9.7. |
TSMC-1418 | Unable to restrict user from creating new connnections. |
TSMC-1279 | The sort function doesn't automatically add curly brackets. |
January 24, 2023
Schema validation:
Schema validation is now supported for CSV, TSV, and TXT files.
Detect structure must be enabled on a file-based imported dataset.
For more information, see Overview of Schema Management.
Support for Alloy DB connections.
For more information, see AlloyDB Connections.
You can retry failed plan runs where one or more tasks failed during the plan run. This feature lets you review failures, identify issues with the task specification, and then re-run from the failed task tocomplete the plan run. For more information, See Plan Run Details Page.
Users with viewer permission on plans can now cancel plan runs.For more information, see Privileges and Roles Reference.
Transformer page:
You can enable or disable the updating of column histograms in the Transformer page, which can improve page performance. For more information, see Data Grid Panel.
This feature can be enabled or disabled by an administrator.
Single Sign-On:
Support for CentOS/RedHat 8.X for SAML. See Configure SSO for SAML.
Improved stability for file conversion jobs.
Java UDFs:
Enable the capture of userId and user email address within your user-defined functions.
This feature must be enabled.
For more information, see Java UDFs.
Support for MongoDB up to version 6.0.1. See MongoDB Connections.
The following components have been upgraded on the Trifacta node:
Upgraded to Python 3.10.2
See System Dependencies.
Operating system:
Support for Ubuntu 20.04.
Support for Ubuntu 16.04 has been deprecated. Please upgrade to a supported version. For more information, see Product Support Matrix.
See Install on Ubuntu.
In previous releases, a set of drivers for connections to external datastores was included in the installation package. As of this release, the Data Direct drivers that had previously been included are no longer part of the installation package.
If you have created custom connections, the drivers required to power your connections must be acquired directly from Alteryx. For more information, please contact Alteryx Support.
Unmodified connections should continue to operate as expected. For more information, see End of Life and Deprecated Features.
Web server:
The proprietary web server, Tripache, is no longer available in the software distribution. This web server was used by a very small number of customers. nginx remains the default web server. See End of Life and Deprecated Features.
In December 2022, Microsoft deprecated support and development for Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) in favor of Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL).
In the Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta platform, ADAL was used in two platform services. These services have been updated to use other libraries.
Platform interactions with Azure and Azure-related capabilities are not impacted.
For more information, see
Planned deprecation:
In the next release of Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta Enterprise Edition after Release 9.7, support for installing the Alteryx databases on MySQL is planned for deprecation.
If possible, you should switch to using PostgreSQL for hosting the Alteryx databases. For more information, see Install Databases for PostgreSQL.
Python SDK:
Starting this release, the Python SDK is deprecated. The software will no longer be available. For more information, see End of Life and Deprecated Features.
October 24, 2022
Job history:
Changes to the layout of history pages for flow jobs, sample jobs, and plan runs for an improved user experience.
For more information, see Job History Page.
For more information, see Sample Jobs Page.
For more information, see Plan Runs Page.
Improved performance when browsing folders or searching on S3.
These improvements do not apply to integrations in which S3 is used as the backend storage, such as Snowflake or AWS Glue.
For more information, see Using S3.
For more information, see External S3 Connections.
Support for EMR 6.3. For more information, see Configure for EMR.
Over the next set of releases, a number of object types are being migrated from the Trifacta Application to the underlying platform layer.
This migration of objects to the platform layer is being performed to enable broader access to these object types in the future. You can expect to see enhancements to these capabilities in the future.
These object types include the following:
Imported datasets
Reference datasets
Job history:
Flow jobs
Sample jobs
Plan runs
Additionally, the following capabilities are moving to the platform level:
Over the next few releases, documentation for these objects is migrating to the new Platform area. For more information, see Platform.
Collaborators on a flow who have the flow editor permission can now edit any custom SQL used in importing datasets into the flow.
For more information, see Create Dataset with SQL.
For more information on permissions, see Overview of Authorization.
Enable / Disable Data Grid
You can enable or disable the data grid in the Transformer page. When the data grid is disabled, you may not be able to edit some recipe steps.For steps that you can edit, select Preview to see the effects of the step on the data. When you select Preview, the data grid is re-enabled.
For more information, see Data Grid Panel.
For more information, see Recipe Panel.
This feature can be enabled or disabled by an administrator.
Ticket | Description |
TD-74502 | HTTP response for HTTP task is undefined. |
TD-74496 | Snowflake job fails with JSON datasource |
September 26, 2022
the updated resources in the left nav bar and on the Home page!
Flow parameters now support a new type. Selector type parameters allow you to specify a list of permitted values for the parameter, which ensures data integrity throughout the transformation process. See Create Flow Parameter.
Snowflake Running Environment:
Support for reading S3 files for execution in Snowflake.
S3 must be the base storage layer. Supported file formats are CSV, TXT, and JSON only.
For more information, see Flow Optimization Settings Dialog.
Beginning in this release, sampling jobs can be executed in the Snowflake running environment.
For more information, see Flow Optimization Settings Dialog.
For more information, see Snowflake Running Environment.
When publishing to a Snowflake table, you can choose to write results using the merge option. When selected, you specify a primary key of fields and then decide how data is merged into the table. For more information, see Snowflake Table Settings.
Schema refresh supports Excel, PDF, and Google Sheets:
You can now refresh the schemas from Excel, PDF or Google Sheets datasources converted during ingest. Schema refresh enables you to identify changes to the columns in your dataset.
For more information, see Overview of Schema Management.
Dataset schemas can be refreshed through the following pages:
See Library Page.
See Dataset Details Page.
In Flow View. For more information, see View for Imported Datasets.
For more information on importing these datasources:
Support for OAuth 2.0 authentication for SharePoint.
OAuth 2.0 authentication must be enabled. For more information, see Enable OAuth 2.0 Authentication.
You must also create an OAuth 2.0 client for the Trifacta Application. For more information, see OAuth 2.0 for SharePoint.
Support for Azure AD authentication for SharePoint.
For more information, see SharePoint Connections.
Asset transfer:
Transfer ownership of your individual assets to another user. See Transfer Asset Ownership.
Administrators can transfer ownership of any user's asset to another user. Administrators can also transfer ownership of all of a user's assets. See User Details Page.
Job History:
Administrators can configure the default number of days of jobs to display in the Job History page. Default setting is 180
Individual users can filter the list of jobs further, as needed.
Transformer page:
For improved performance, you can now edit your recipes without loading a sample in the data grid.
This feature must be enabled in your environment.
August 2, 2022
Schema refresh supports JSON:
You can now refresh the schemas from JSON datasource converted during ingest. Schema refresh enables you to identify changes to the columns in your dataset.
For more information, see Overview of Schema Management.
Dataset schemas can be refreshed through the following pages:
See Library Page.
See Dataset Details Page.
In Flow View. For more information, see View for Imported Datasets.
A converted datasource is file type that must be converted during the ingestion process into a format that is natively supported by the platform. For more information on JSON as a converted datasource, see Working with JSON v2.
Email notifications enhancements:
Each email notification includes a summary of Data Quality rules (rules that were run and the success/failures of those rules) and the profile details (valid, mismatched, missing) when a job is completed successfully. In the email, click View job to view the details of the job. See Email Notifications Page.
Email notifications enabled by default:
The settings for email notifications based on success or failure of jobs or plan runs have been enabled at the project or workspace level and at the flow level.
This change means that the user who executes a job and others who have access to the flow receive, by default, an email notification whenever a job executes for flows where email notification settings have never been modified.
Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta Enterprise Edition requires access to an SMTP server to deliver email notifications. For more information, see Enable SMTP Email Server Integration.
If needed, these new default settings can be modified.
Workspace administrators can change default value of the email notification settings. For more information, see Workspace Settings Page.
Individual users can override these settings for individual flows. For more information, see Manage Flow Notifications Dialog.
May 9, 2022
Expandable left nav bar:
The new left navigation bar can be expanded to display full-text options for each menu item. Collapse it to reclaim the screen area. Available options remain consistent. See Home Page.
Support for external tables for Azure Synapse Analytics (Formerly Microsoft SQL DW):
For dedicated SQL pool or serverless SQL pool connections to Azure Synapse Analytics (Formerly Microsoft SQL DW), you can now interact with external tables managed data in a variety of formats. For more information, see Microsoft SQL Data Warehouse Connections.
Transformer page:
Improved performance of the Transformer page through asynchronous loading of initial samples.
Support for Java 11 (runtime).
Java 8 is scheduled for deprecation in a future release. Please upgrade to Java 11.
If you are installing or upgrading to Java 11 in a non-default location, you must configure the Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta platform to be aware of the location.
For more information, see Install on CentOS and RHEL.
For more information, see Install on Ubuntu.
NodeJS upgraded to 16.19 LTS
Nginx upgrade to 1.22.1
Python upgraded to 3.10.
For more information, see System Requirements.
Generate an initial sample:
When generating an initial sample from a set of files in a directory, the maximum number of files that can be read is now limited to 10 files by default. For more information on changing the maximum number, see Workspace Settings Page.
Ticket | Description |
TD-69652 | Creating parameterized version of dataset from External S3 connection fails with Access Denied 403 |