- Release 9.7
- Trifacta Application
- Reference
- Type Conversions
- SharePoint Data Type Conversions
This section covers data type conversions between the Trifacta Application and SharePoint.
The Alteryx data types listed in this page reflect the raw data type of the converted column. Depending on the contents of the column, the Transformer Page may re-infer a different data type, when a dataset using this type of source is loaded.
Image, Link, and Address fields from SharePoint are imported into Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta Enterprise Edition as JSON strings. Incorrect formatting or modification of these strings within the product may result in errors when published back to SharePoint Lists.
Source Data Type | Supported? | Alteryx Data Type | Notes |
Choice (menu) | Y | String | |
Currency | Y | Float | |
Date and Time | Y | Datetime | |
Link and Image | Y | String (JSON) | |
Lookup | Y | String | |
Address | Y | String (JSON) | |
Multiple lines of text | Y | String | Lines in the source are demarcated in the String value using the newline character. |
Number | Y | Float | |
Person or Group | Y | String (JSON) | |
Single line of text | Y | String | |
Task outcome | Y | String | |
Yes/No | Y | Boolean |
Alteryx Data Type | SharePoint List Data Types | Notes |
String | String Note Text Varchar URL Choice | Note Secondary types are published only if appending or truncating an existing table. See below. |
Integer | Integer | |
Decimal | Float Currency | |
Datetime | Date and Time | |
Bool | Boolean | |
Map | Note String Text Varchar | Note Secondary types are published only if appending or truncating an existing table. See below. |
Array | Note String Text Varchar | Note Secondary types are published only if appending or truncating an existing table. See below. |
All other data types | String |
For more information, see http://cdn.cdata.com/help/RSF/jdbc/pg_datatypemapping.htm.
Depending on the publishing action, output data types may vary.
Appending or truncating a SharePoint List:
If you are appending or truncating an existing SharePoint List, all column data types are published to the target data types as expected, as long as the data being published can be parsed and published by SharePoint.
Writing to a new SharePoint List:
Some data types in Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta Enterprise Edition do not have a direct mapping to SharePoint List data types. Examples:
Address, Link, Person, Choice, and Image data types are published to SharePoint Lists as a multi-line String.
Currency is published as a Number.
Datetime values in Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta Enterprise Edition are written back to SharePoint Lists as DateTime types, even if the source data from SharePoint is Date type.