This section covers data type conversions between the Trifacta Application and PostgreSQL databases.
The Alteryx data types listed in this page reflect the raw data type of the converted column. Depending on the contents of the column, the Transformer Page may re-infer a different data type, when a dataset using this type of source is loaded.
Source Data Type | Supported? | Alteryx Data Type |
array | N | |
bigint | Y | Integer |
bigserial | Y | Integer |
bit [ (n) ] | Y | String |
bit varying [ (n) ] | Y | String |
boolean | Y | Bool |
box | Y | String |
bytea | Y | String |
character varying(n), varchar(n) | Y | String |
character(n), char(n) | Y | String |
cidr | Y | String |
circle | Y | String |
composite | N | |
date | Y | Date |
daterange | N | |
decimal | Y | Decimal |
double precision | Y | Decimal |
enum | N | |
inet | Y | String |
int4range | N | |
int8range | N | |
integer | Y | Integer |
interval [ fields ] [ (p) ] | Y | String |
json | Y | Object |
line | N | |
lseg | Y | String |
macaddr | Y | String |
money | Y | Decimal |
numeric | Y | Decimal/Integer |
numrange | N | |
oid | N | |
path | Y | String |
point | Y | String |
polygon | Y | String |
real | Y | Decimal |
serial | Y | Integer |
smallint | Y | Integer |
smallserial | Y | Integer |
text | Y | String |
time [ (p) ] | Y | Date |
time [ (p) ] with time zone | Y | String |
timestamp [ (p) ] | Y | Date |
timestamp [ (p) ] with time zone | Y | Date |
tsquery | Y | String |
tsrange | N | |
tstzrange | N | |
tsvector | Y | String |
txid_snapshot | Y | String |
uuid | Y | String |
xml | Y | String |
Alteryx Data Type | PostgreSQL Column Type | Notes |
Bool | BOOL | |
Integer | BIGINT | |
INT | ||
String | VARCHAR | |
Datetime | TIMESTAMP | |
Float | DECIMAL | |
Map | VARCHAR | |
Array | VARCHAR |
If you are appending to an existing table where a column's Alteryx data type is not mapped to the column data type in the target table, a validation error is thrown, as the platform writes unmapped types as String data type.