- Release 9.7
- Trifacta Application
- Common Tasks
- Project Management Tasks
- Share a Flow
You can allow other users to work on flows that you own. Flow collaborators have almost all of the same permissions as flow owners.
Users of a shared flow must have read access to the underlying data sources to access the datasets of a shared flow. If they do not have dataset access, collaborators can still access the flow but have more limited capabilities.
When you share a flow that contains a dataset sourced from Microsoft Excel, the user with whom the flow is shared may receive a Could not parse
error. In this case, the user does not have access to the original sample. The workaround is to take a new sample or to run a job on the full dataset.
In the Flows page, locate the flow to share.
You can also share the flow from the Flow view page through the flow context menu.
From the context menu on the right side of the screen, select Share.
In the Share Flow dialog, enter the name of the user or users with whom you would like to share the flow.
For privacy reasons, search may not be available in some environments. In such cases, you have to manually enter the user name in the Invite users field.
You can specify the privilege level of the user to whom you are sharing.
Click Add.
The selected users can now see the flow and interact with its objects in the Shared with Me tab of the Flows page.
When a flow is shared, its samples are shared with other users. If the shared users do not have access to the underlying source datasets, they do not have access to samples generated from those datasets and must recreate new samples.
For more information on the privileges of collaborators, see Overview of Sharing.