The Storage Config page allows you to configure storage locations for where you upload datasets and generate results.
When editing a directory location, click the Pencil icon. You can paste URLs to storage locations into the textbox.
The following options are available for configuring your storage environment.
If you cannot modify the values in this page, you may need to enable the feature to modify user paths. For more information, see Workspace Settings Page.
Relative path to the directory where your results are stored by default and where your samples are stored. Click Edit to modify the home directory where results are stored.
Full path concatenates Output Protocol/Host value and this value.
Do not modify this value unless directed to do so. This path is not validated. If you specify a path to a directory to which you do not have appropriate permissions, all job exports will fail.
Multiple users cannot share the same home directory.
If your HDFS environment is encrypted, any location that you specify to write results for a job must be in the same encryption zone as this directory. For more information, please contact your HDFS administrator.
Relative path to the directory where your uploads are stored. To modify this value, click Edit.
This setting only applies if the Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta platform is connected to a backend datastore.
You cannot upload to locations to which you do not have write access.
If per-user mode is enabled, this option allows workspace members to apply individual key-secret values and roles to their accounts and modify other personal storage settings. For more information, see Configure Your Access to S3.