Release Note Product Versions | |||
Version | Date | Release | |
2020.1 | March 13, 2020 | Major |
Connect now displays how analytic workflows are organised in Collections in Server. To view the Collections based on their owner, go to Analytic Workflows > Gallery servers > Collection owners. There you can see the workflows which are part of this Collection. In the detailed view of a workflow you can see the list of Collections where the workflow occurs. A workflow can be part of many Collections.
Connect folders can show only content from its own subfolders. With this feature, you can list the content with a common attribute to one location by saving a specific filter as a new kind of folder. To access the Virtual folders, go to Homepage > Virtual Folders.
To create a virtual folder, click the (+) button, select Virtual Folder as an entry type, and select Create. To specify what should be displayed in the virtual folder, you have to add a query in the Lucene query field. Optionally, you have the possibility to change the Entry display type and set custom icons.
Tip: You can get this filter in Advanced Search. Specify the filter by selecting appropriate fields, enable the View query toggle and click the Click to copy query to clipboard button to copy the query to clipboard.
A file type can now be checked not only based on the extension but also against the actual file content. To set up this feature, go to Administration > Connect Configuration > Instance Settings > Accepted upload file types. Check the box Enable File Type Filtering Based on File Content.
In addition to Power BI (cloud service) loader we are adding Power BI On-Premises loader. Folders, reports, and lineage to data sources are available.
Feature allowing deployment on Microsoft SQL Server Database was implemented. At the moment, we recommend using this feature for experimental purposes only.
Upgrade of the embedded H2 database to the latest version was implemented to get improved performance. The main benefits include improved garbage collector and multithreading support. Note that this improvement release of embedded database will tend to consume more disc and RAM resources. Therefore, we do recommend making sure you have sufficient memory. The recommended minimum of RAM is 12GB.
Log rotation was implemented - catalina log now rotates and persists after service restart.
Fixed Major Release Version 2020.1 | |||
ID | Description | Version | Issue Status |
DE19441 | Custom field Dropdown set the first value instead of placeholder for manually created entries. | 2020.1 | Fixed |
DE22014 | Email Notification issues in MS Outlook when certifying, commenting and sharing, and updating of an asset. | 2020.1 | Fixed |
DE22057 | Fast Deployment: Wrong name in Gallery taken from the metadata of the HDFS loader. | 2020.1 | Fixed |
DE22059 | Incorrect calculation of side scroll bar for long names. | 2020.1 | Fixed |
DE22099 | Internal server error in Asset Configuration appears after deleting config file. | 2020.1 | Fixed |
DE22118 | Alteryx Connect Exports Issue while exporting from "All Schemas, Tables, and Views" from the Connect data sources page and selecting "Name with Synonyms". | 2020.1 | Fixed |
DE22134 | Oracle loader: Wrong error message for no schemas loaded is displayed. | 2020.1 | Fixed |
DE22164 | Power BI parsing: No lineage for reports created through DSN with hostname,port and IP,port, and for reports created through connection string where hostname,port and IP,port are at the end of connection string. | 2020.1 | Fixed |
DE22215 | Advanced Search Fields don't show duplicities in field names. | 2020.1 | Fixed |
DE22219 | Bulk Deleting of broken permissions in Administration Console doesn't work. | 2020.1 | Fixed |
DE22362 | Tableau loader: Fix Workbook openable URL to link current workbook. | 2020.1 | Fixed |
DE22479 | Complete remove / Remove in System permission in Administration Console to be renamed. | 2020.1 | Fixed |
DE22554 | Inactive entries are displayed incorrectly. | 2020.1 | Fixed |
DE22635 | Snowflake loader error on append more than 16 rows. | 2020.1 | Fixed |
DE22748 | Timeout message instead of an error message is displayed when uploading files not fitting the type or size criteria. Note: This issue is fixed for new installations. For previous instances it can be fixed by updating the server.xml file (maxSwallowSize=“-1” to be added to server.xml). | 2020.1 | Fixed |
DE23929 | Tableau Loader: Missing relation metadata field in the Tableau response. | 2020.1 | Fixed |
Known | |||
ID | Description | Version | Issue Status |
DE22822 | Description of Admin permission does not correspond to actual behaviour. | 2020.1 | Known |
102318* | In some cases Tableau data source Open button has wrong URL link. This issue will be fixed by Tableau in Tableau Server release 2020.2. | 2020.1 | Known |
*defect number provided by Tableau. |