Sample Workflows in Designer
Alteryx Designer contains a number of sample workflows to demonstrate tool functionality and use cases. You can access these directly in the Designer top menu via Help > Sample Workflows.
One Tool Examples
One Tool Examples (also Learn One Tool at a Time) are sample workflows that demonstrate different configuration options for one tool at a time. These examples are designed to help you understand how a specific tool is used as part of a workflow.

You can access the examples from several different places:
Help Menu: From the Help menu, go to Sample Workflows > Learn one tool at a time. Select a tool category and the tool to open the workflow.
Tool Palette: Select a tool icon from the tool palette and then select the Open Example link to open the workflow.
Global Search: Search for a tool by tool name. If that tool has a One Tool Example, an Example button displays on the right. Select the Example button to open to tool example.
Tools with a One Tool Example
These tools, organized by tool category, currently have a One Tool Example in Alteryx Designer.
Tools in the In/Out tool category.

Tools in the Preparation tool category.

Tools in the Join tool category.

Tools in the Transform tool category.

Tools in the Data Investigation tool category.

Tools in the Predictive tool category.

Tools in the AB Testing tool category.

Tools in the Time Series tool category.

Tools in the Calgary tool category.

Tools in the Developer tool category.

Tools in the Text Mining tool category.

Tools in the Computer Vision tool category.

Learn One Tool at a Time
Access One Tool Examples in the Designer main menu via Help > Sample Workflows > Learn one tool at a time. Workflows below are listed alphabetically by directory and list the tools contained in each sample.
Workflow | Tools |
Action.yxwz | Action, Browse, Check Box, Comment, Detour, File Browse, Filter, Formula, Input Data, List Box, Map, Map Input, Numeric Up Down, Radio Button, Sample, Select, Sort, Text Box, Text Input, Tool Container, Trade Area |
Append.yxmd | Append Fields, Comment, Input Data |
Auto_Field.yxmd | Auto Field, Comment, Input Data |
Base64_Encoder.yxmd | Base64 Encoder, Comment, Text Input |
Blob_Convert.yxmd | Base64 Encoder, Blob Convert, Blob Input, Browse, Comment, Directory, Select, Text Input, Tool Container |
Blob_Input.yxmd | Blob Input, Comment, Directory, Select |
Blob_Output.yxmd | Blob Input, Blob Output, Comment, Directory, Select, Tool Container |
Block_Until_Done.yxmd | Block Until Done, Comment, Message, Text Input |
Browse.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Input Data |
Check_Box.yxwz | Action, Browse, Check Box, Comment, Radio Button, Text Input, Tool Container |
Comment.yxmd | Comment |
Condition.yxwz | Action, Browse, Comment, Condition, Formula, Radio Button, Text Input |
Count_Records.yxmd | Comment, Count Records, Input Data |
Cross_Tab.yxmd | Comment, Cross Tab, Input Data, Text Input, Transpose |
Data_Cleansing.yxmd | Comment, Data Cleansing, Text Input |
Date.yxwz | Action, Browse, Comment, Date, Filter, Generate Rows |
DateTime.yxmd | Comment, DateTime, Select, Text Input |
Directory.yxmd | Comment, Directory |
Distance.yxmd | Comment, Distance, Text Input, Tool Container |
Drop_Down.yxwz | Action, Browse, Comment, Drop Down, Dynamic Select, File Browse, Input Data, Radio Button, Tool Container |
Dynamic_Input.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Directory, Dynamic Input, Input Data, Map Input |
Dynamic_Rename.yxmd | Comment, Dynamic Rename, Text Input |
Dynamic_Replace.yxmd | Comment, Dynamic Replace, Text Input |
Dynamic_Select.yxmd | Comment, Dynamic Select, Text Input |
Error_Message.yxwz | Browse, Check Box, Comment, Error Message, Text Input, Tool Container |
Explorer Box.yxmd | Comment, Explorer Box |
Field_Info.yxmd | Comment, Field Info, Input Data |
Field_Summary.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Input Data |
File_Browse.yxwz | Action, Browse, Comment, Condition, Error Message, File Browse, Input Data, Output Data, Radio Button, Render, Table, Tool Container |
Filter.yxmd | Comment, Filter, Formula, Generate Rows, Join Multiple, Text Input, Tool Container |
Find_Replace.yxmd | Comment, Find Replace, Text Input |
Formula.yxmd | Comment, Formula, Input Data |
Fuzzy_Match.yxmd | Comment, Explorer Box, Find Replace, Fuzzy Match, Make Group, Summarize, Text Input |
Generate_Rows.yxmd | Comment, Generate Rows, Text Input |
Image.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Directory, Image, Text Input |
Imputation.yxmd | Comment, Imputation, Text Input |
Input_Data.yxmd | Comment, Input Data |
JSON_Parse.yxmd | Comment, JSON Parse, Text Input |
Join.yxmd | Comment, Join, Text Input, Union |
Join_Multiple.yxmd | Comment, Join, Join Multiple, Text Input, Union |
List_Box.yxwz | Action, Select, Browse, Comment, Dynamic Select, File Browse, Input Data, List Box, Radio Button, Tool Container |
Make_Group.yxmd | Comment, Find Replace, Fuzzy Match, Make Group, Summarize, Text Input |
Map.yxwz | Action, Browse, Comment, File Browse, Map, Map Input, Radio Button, Tool Container |
Map_Input.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Map Input |
Map_Legend_ Splitter_Builder.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Formula, Input Data, Map Legend Builder, Map Legend Splitter, Report Map |
Message.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Message, Summarize, Text Input |
Multi-Field_Binning.yxmd | Comment, Multi-Field Binning, Text Input |
Multi-Field_Formula.yxmd | Comment, Input Data, Multi-Field Formula |
Multi-Row_Formula.yxmd | Comment, Cross Tab, Multi-Row Formula, Text Input |
Numeric_Up_Down.yxwz | Browse, Comment, Filter, Generate Rows, Numeric Up Down |
Output_Data.yxmd | Comment, Output Data, Text Input |
Pearson_Correlation.yxmd | Comment, Formula, Pearson Correlation, Spearman Correlation, Text Input |
Radio_Button.yxwz | Action, Browse, Comment, Radio Button, Text Input |
Random % Sample.yxmd | Comment, Random % Sample, Sample |
Record_ID.yxmd | Comment, Record ID, Text Input |
RegEx.yxmd | Comment, Input Data, RegEx, Tool Container |
Render.yxmd | Comment, Input Data, Render, Report Footer, Report Header, Report Text |
Report_Footer.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Join Multiple, Layout, Render, Report Footer, Report Text |
Report_Header.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Join Multiple, Layout, Render, Report Header, Report Text |
Report_Map.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Input Data, Report Map, Select, Text Input |
Report_Text.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Report Text, Text Input |
Running_Total.yxmd | Comment, Input Data, Running Total |
Sample.yxmd | Comment, Input Data, Sample |
Select.yxmd | Comment, Input Data, Select |
Select_Records.yxmd | Comment, Input Data, Select Records |
Sort.yxmd | Comment, Sort, Text Input |
Spearman_Correlation.yxmd | Comment, Formula, Pearson Correlation, Spearman Correlation, Text Input |
Summarize.yxmd | Comment, Input Data, Summarize |
Table.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Cross Tab, Input Data, Table |
Test.yxmd | Comment, Input Data, Test |
Text_Box.yxwz | Action, Browse, Comment, Radio Button, Text Box, Text Input, Text To Columns, Tool Container |
Text_Input.yxmd | Comment, Text Input |
Text_To_Columns.yxmd | Comment, Input Data, Text To Columns |
Throttle.yxmd | Comment, Text Input, Throttle |
Tile.yxmd | Comment, Input Data, Tile |
Tool Container.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Field Info, Message, Text Input, Tool Container |
Transpose.yxmd | Comment, Cross Tab, Text Input, Transpose |
Tree.yxwz | Action, Browse, Comment, Condition, Error Message, Filter, Input Data, Join, Radio Button, Text Input, Text To Columns, Tool Container, Tree |
Union.yxmd | Comment, Join, Text Input, Union |
Unique.yxmd | Comment, Input Data, Unique |
XML_Parse.yxmd | Comment, Input Data, Sort, XML Parse |
Learn One Model at a Time
One Model Examples are your introduction to data science in Designer. They cover numerous topics, including step-by-step explanations of how to use the Machine Learning tools and Text Mining tools (part of the Alteryx Intelligence Suite), fundamental techniques for data prep and cleaning, as well as high-level explanations of complex algorithms and statistical methods.
Access these directly in the Designer main menu via Help > Sample Workflows > Learn one model at a time.
Clean and Prepare Data
Access these directly in the Designer main menu via Help > Sample Workflows > Clean and prepare data. Workflows below are listed alphabetically by directory and list the tools contained in each sample.
Workflow | Tools |
Normalize_a_string_field.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Input Data, Formula, RegEx, Text To Columns, Tool Container |
Convert_data_types_with_Auto-Field.yxmd | Auto Field, Browse, Comment, Field Info, Input Data, Select, Tool Container |
Normalize_phone_numbers.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Filter, Formula, Input Data, RegEx, Select, Tool Container |
Measure_the_quality_of_data.yxmd | Append Fields, Browse, Comment, Formula, Input Data, Message, Sort, Summarize, Tool Container, Transpose |
Normalize_an_ unstructured_.txt_file.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Cross Tab, Filter, Formula, Input Data, Join, Multi-Row Formula, RegEx, Select, Summarize, Text To Columns, Tool Container, Transpose |
Append_a_leading_character.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Formula, Input Data, Tool Container |
Normalize_an_ unstructured_.xml_file.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Input Data, Select, Tool Container, XML Parse |
Infer_ZIP_codes_from_ latitude_and_longitude.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Dynamic Input, Input Data, Tool Container |
Smooth_spatial_objects_ on_a_map.yxmd | Buffer, Comment, Create Points, Generalize, Input Data, Render, Report Map, Report Text, Smooth, Text Input, Tool Container, Trade Area |
Create_an_.xml_file.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Formula, Join, Output Data, Summarize, Text Input, Tool Container, Union |
Describe What Is Happening
Access these directly in the Designer main menu via Help > Sample Workflows > Describe what is happening. Workflows below are listed alphabetically by directory and list the tools contained in each sample.
Workflow | Tools |
Create_service_boundaries.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Create Points, Distance, Formula, Input Data, Join, Select, Spatial Match, Summarize, Tool Container, Trade Area, Union |
Join_data_from_two_sources.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Formula, Input Data, Join, Summarize, Tool Container |
Join_data_from_ multiple_sources.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Input Data, Join Multiple, Tool Container |
Learn_frequently-used_tools.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Filter, Formula, Input Data, Join, Record ID, Sample, Select, Sort, Summarize, Text Input, Tool Container, Union, Unique |
Group_sales_by_county.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Formula, Input Data, Select, Summarize, Tool Container |
Join_rows_with_Union.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Input Data, Record ID, Tool Container, Union |
Map_trade_areas_1.yxmd | Comment, Create Points, Filter, Find Nearest, Formula, Input Data, Join, Poly-Build, Record ID, Render, Report Map, Sort, Summarize, Tile, Tool Container |
Find_all_customers_within_ 30_miles_of_a_store.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Create Points, Distance, Input Data, Join, Select, Sort, Spatial Match, Summarize, Tool Container, Trade Area |
Map_trade_areas_2.yxmd | Comment, Create Points, Input Data, Render, Report Map, Report Text, Select, Tool Container, Trade Area |
Download_and_parse_web_data.yxmd | Auto Field, Browse, Comment, Create Points, Date Time Now, DateTime, Download, Dynamic Rename, Formula, Join, Layout, Message, Multi-Field Formula, Render, Report Map, Report Text, Sample, Select, Sort, Table, Text Input, Text To Columns, Tool Container |
Overlay_a_zip_code_map_1.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Input Data, Report Map, Spatial Match, Tool Container |
Create_a_report_with_a_ chart_and_a_table.yxmd | Charting, Comment, Image, Input Data, Join Multiple, Layout, Render, Report Text, Sort, Table, Tool Container |
Overlay_a_zip_code_map_2.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Formula, Input Data, Join, Spatial Info, Summarize, Tool Container |
Create_summary_tables _for_a_report.yxmd | Comment, Cross Tab, Image, Input Data, Join Multiple, Layout, Render, Report Text, Select, Summarize, Table, Tool Container |
Measure_the_overlap_ of_ad_coverage.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Create Points, Formula, Input Data, Select, Spatial Info, Spatial Match, Spatial Process, Tool Container, Trade Area |
Make_a_contingency_table.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Cross Tab, Input Data, Select, Summarize, Tool Container |
Read_a_.flat_file.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Filter, Input Data, Tool Container |
Create_tables_from_ unicode_data.yxmd | Charting, Comment, Image, Join, Join Multiple, Layout, Render, Report Text, Table, Text Input, Tool Container |
Create_a_report_layout.yxmd | Comment, Image, Input Data, Interactive Chart, Join Multiple, Layout, Render, Report Footer, Report Map, Report Text, Summarize, Table, Tool Container |
Diagnose Why It Is Happening
Access these directly in the Designer main menu via Help > Sample Workflows > Diagnose why it is happening. Workflows below are listed alphabetically by directory and list the tools contained in each sample.
Workflow | Tools |
Append_a_calculated_field.yxmd | Append Fields, Browse, Comment, Formula, Input Data, Summarize, Tool Container, Unique |
Apply_a_formula_to_ multiple_fields.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Input Data, Multi-Field Formula, Select, Tool Container |
Find_the_closest_stores_ to_customers.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Create Points, Find Nearest, Input Data, Select, Summarize, Tool Container |
Create_a_report_with_ a_thematic_map.yxmd | Append Fields, Comment, Create Points, Formula, Input Data, Layout, Map Legend Builder, Map Legend Splitter, Render, Report Footer, Report Header, Report Map, Report Text, Spatial Match, Summarize, Tool Container |
Calculate_a_trend_and_ sort_data.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Filter, Formula, Input Data, Sample, Select, Sort, Tool Container |
Use Scripting and Automation Tools
Access these directly in the Designer main menu via Help > Sample Workflows > Use scripting and automation tools. Workflows below are listed alphabetically by directory and list the tools contained in each sample.
Workflow | Tools |
StrongADD_FuzzyFL.yxmc | Comment, Filter, Formula, Fuzzy Match, Join, Macro Input, Macro Output, Select, Sort, Tool Container, Union, Unique |
Convert_file_formats.yxwz | Action, Comment, Error Message, File Browse, Input Data, Output Data, Tool Container |
StrongADD_FuzzyLF.yxmc | Comment, Filter, Formula, Fuzzy Match, Join, Macro Input, Macro Output, Select, Sort, Tool Container, Union, Unique |
Assign_supply_to_demand.yxmd | Append Fields, Browse, Comment, Distance, Input Data, Record ID, Select, Sort, Summarize, Test, Tool Container |
Clean_and_parse_ phone_numbers.yxwz | Action, Select, Comment, Condition, Error Message, File Browse, Filter, Formula, Input Data, List Box, Output Data, Radio Button, RegEx, Tool Container, Union |
StrongFL_FuzzyADD.yxmc | Comment, Filter, Formula, Fuzzy Match, Join, Macro Input, Macro Output, Select, Sort, Tool Container, Union, Unique |
Define_trade_areas.yxwz | Action, Comment, Create Points, File Browse, Filter, Find Nearest, Formula, Input Data, Join, Numeric Up Down, Poly-Build, Record ID, Render, Report Map, Sort, Summarize, Tile, Tool Container |
Map_customers_by_store.yxmd | Comment, Create Points, Find Nearest, Input Data, Join, Pie Wedge Trade Area, Record ID, Render, Report Map, Report Text, Tool Container |
StrongADD_FuzzyFL_Char.yxmc | Comment, Filter, Formula, Fuzzy Match, Join, Macro Input, Macro Output, Select, Sort, Tool Container, Union, Unique |
Create_a_heat_map_ for_purchase_data.yxmd | Comment, Create Points, Heat Map, Input Data, Render, Report Map, Report Text, Tool Container |
View_FEMA_housing_data.yxwz | Action, Append Fields, Comment, Formula, Input Data, Join, Join Multiple, Layout, Map, Map Input, Overlay, Render, Report Map, Report Text, Select, Sort, Table, Text Input, Tool Container |
Calculate_a_mortgage_ payment.yxwz | Action, Browse, Comment, Drop Down, Filter, Formula, Group, Join, Layout, Numeric Up Down, Render, Report Text, Select, Table, Text Input, Tool Container, Transpose |
Identify_tools_and_macros_ used_in_a_workflow.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Directory, Tool Container |
Find_closest_customers_ to_a_store.yxwz | Action, Browse, Comment, Create Points, Find Nearest, Input Data, Join, Layout, Map, Map Input, Render, Report Text, Table, Tool Container |
Optimize_location_by_ minimizing_distance.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Input Data, Tool Container |
Using_a_tree_with_a_ custom_file_database.yxwz | Action, Browse, Comment, Input Data, Error Message, Filter, Tool Container, Tree |
Optimize_location_with_a_ gravity_model.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Input Data, Tool Container |
Using_a_tree_file_system.yxwz | Action, Browse, Comment, Error Message, Input Data, Tool Container, Tree |
Merge_to_a_master_file_ with_fuzzy_matching.yxmd | Browse, Comment, Filter, Formula, Input Data, Join, Select, Sort, Summarize, Tool Container, Union, Unique |
Using_a_tree_with_ custom_XML.yxwz | Action, Browse, Comment, Error Message, Filter, Input Data, Tool Container, Tree |
Download_data_from_ the_internet.yxwz | Action, Charting, Comment, Date, Download, Drop Down, Error Message, Filter, Formula, Image, Join Multiple, Layout, Record ID, Render, Select, Summarize, Text Input, Text To Columns, Tool Container |
Convert_metrics_and_ publish_online.yxwz | Action, Browse, Comment, Condition, Detour, Detour End, Drop Down, Dynamic Replace, Filter, Formula, Join, Numeric Up Down, Radio Button, Render, Report Text, Text Input, Tool Container |
Find a file in a directory.yxwz | Action, Comment, Condition, Directory, Error Message, File Browse, Filter, Folder Browse, Formula, Image, Join Multiple, Layout, List Box, RegEx, Render, Report Text, Select, Table, Text Input, Tool Container, Union |
BatchMacro_FileFinder.yxmc | Action, Append Fields, Comment, Control Parameter, File Browse, Filter, Input Data, Macro Output, Select, Summarize, Text Input, Tool Container |
BatchMacro_ IndividualToolCount.yxmc | Action, Append Fields, Browse, Comment, Control Parameter, Filter, Formula, Input Data, Join, Macro Output, RegEx, Select, Summarize, Text Input, Tool Container, Union |
Iterative_Supply_and_Demand.yxmc | Browse, Comment, Filter, Formula, Join, Macro Input, Macro Output, Sample, Select, Sort, Tool Container, Union |
LocOpt_GenerateReport.yxmc | Action, Append Fields, Browse, Charting, Check Box, Comment, Condition, Cross Tab, Filter, Formula, Join, Macro Input, Macro Output, Report Map, Report Text, Select, Sort, Summarize, Table, Text Input, Tool Container, Union, Unique |
LocOpt_GravityCreate DemandSurface.yxmc | Action, Append Fields, Check Box, Comment, Condition, Detour, Detour End, Filter, Formula, Macro Input, Macro Output, Numeric Up Down, Select, Summarize, Text Input, Tool Container, Union |
LocOpt_GravityModel.yxmc | Action, Check Box, Comment, Formula, Join, Join Multiple, Macro Input, Macro Output, Numeric Up Down, Record ID, Select, Tool Container, Union |
LocOpt_GravityOptimizer.yxmc | Action, Check Box, Comment, Formula, Join, Macro Input, Macro Output, Numeric Up Down, Select, Summarize, Tool Container |
LocOpt_MinDistanceOptimizer.yxmc | Comment, Find Nearest, Formula, Join, Macro Input, Macro Output, Select, Tool Container |
LocOpt_MinimizeDistance.yxmc | Action, Browse, Comment, Drop Down, Find Nearest, Formula, Join, Macro Input, Macro Output, Numeric Up Down, Record ID, Report Text, Select, Table, Tool Container, Union |
LocOpt_RemoveNullFields.yxmc | Action, Comment, Condition, Detour, Detour End, Dynamic Rename, Dynamic Select, Formula, List Box, Macro Input, Macro Output, Radio Button, Select, Summarize, Tool Container, Transpose |