
Set the field type to the smallest possible size relative to the data contained within the column.

Split the input records into two or three random samples.

Fix common data quality issues including nulls and unwanted characters. Modify case.

Use Filter to select data using a condition. Rows of data that meet the condition are output to the True anchor.

The Formula Tool uses expressions to create and update columns.

The Generate Rows tool creates new rows of data at the record level.

The Imputation tool gives the user the ability to replace a values in numeric data fields.

This tool allows a user to tile or bin on multiple fields.

The Multi-Field Formula tool creates or updates multiple fields using a single expression.

This tool uses expressions to create and update columns by using row data to create formulas.

This tool allows for data with high negative responses to become normalized.

Returns a random sample of the incoming data stream.

Use Record ID to create a new column in the data and assign a unique identifier, that increments sequentially, for each row in the data.

This tool limits the data stream to a specified number, percentage, or random set of the rows.

This tool returns records and ranges of records that are specified,

The Select tool includes, excludes, and reorders the columns of data that pass through a workflow.

Use Sort to arrange the rows in a table in alphanumeric order based on the values of the specified data columns.

This tool uses user specified methods to assign a value (tile) based on ranges in the data.

This tool distinguishes whether a data record is unique or a duplicate based on specified fields.