Configure Logging for Services
As needed, you can modify via parameter the logging levels for the following services of the platform. These settings should only be modified when you are debugging an issue. After the issue is resolved, you should set the logging level back to its original value.
You can apply this change through the Admin Settings Page (recommended) or trifacta-conf.json
. For more information, see Platform Configuration Methods.
For more information on these services, see System Services and Logs.
For more information on logging levels, see
Support logs
For support use, the most meaningful logs and configuration files can be downloaded from the application. Select Resources menu > Download logs.
If you are submitting an issue to Alteryx Support, please download these files through the application.
The admin version of this dialog enables downloading logs by timeframe, job ID, or session ID. For more information, seeAdmin Download Logs Dialog.
All Logs
Alteryx administrators can access the logs through the Trifacta Application. Use the following URL:
For more information on the available logs, see System Services and Logs.
Mask PII
You can use the following settings to mask personal information in the log files. However, doing so may complicate debugging:
Logging Parameter and Default Value | Description |
"logging.piiMask.enabled": false, | Set this value to |
"logging.piiMask.salt": "this is a grain of salt", | When PII masking is enabled, this value can be used as a randomizing element for generating hashed values. |
Configure log rotation
By default, log files for each service is automatically rotated for you.
As needed, you can enable and configure log rotation for additional log files. When enabled, the following logs are subject to rotation:
By default, these log files are rotated by supervisord. For more information on default values for stdout_logfile_maxbytes, stdout_logfile_backups, and stderr equivalents, see
The following logs are excluded from log rotation and are not rotated when this feature is enabled:
To enable log rotation, you must copy the default configuration file into the appropriate working directory and set permissions:
sudo cp /opt/trifacta/conf/trifacta-logrotate.conf /etc/logrotate.d/trifacta-logrotate.conf sudo chown root: /etc/logrotate.d/trifacta-logrotate.conf sudo chmod 644 /etc/logrotate.d/trifacta-logrotate.conf
You can test the configuration using the following command:
sudo logrotate --debug /etc/logrotate.d/trifacta-logrotate.conf
Configure log format for access logs
The following are examples of access logs:
Service | Applicable Log Files | Parameter |
VFS Service | vfs-service.access.log | vfs-service.loggerOptions.format |
WebApp | webapp.access.log | webapp.loggerOptions.format |
You can configure the fields and format of them.
This field configuration applies only the log files listed above.
For each of the above parameters, you can use a token-based method of configuring the fields to include in a log entry in the listed logs. You can modify:
The sequence of fields
The fields to include
For some fields, you can specify specific subsets of the available information.
Entries are specified as space-delimited fields, each of which begins with a colon:
:field1 :field2 :field3
For more information on these log format options, see
Log format for application logs
Application log files have the following structure:
2019-07-09T11:46:54.667Z - warn: [EXPRESS] received extra query parameter(s): limit,offset,numPageLinks [url=/v4/connections/2/query] [method=GET] [sid=9133aa58-9cbb-4e0a-bfb4-2c59c44ffe2d] [rid=e4319f35-82a1-4c0b-a2d3-2e75d224178a]
The following fields are included in these files:
These fields cannot be modified.
Field | Description |
Timestamp | Date and timestamp in UTC when the event occurred Note Log values are timestamped in UTC time zone. |
Level | Logging level for the event: |
sid | The user's session identifier. Session Ids may be preserved across logins, but they may occasionally change if the user logs out of the application. |
rid | The request identifier is unique to the specific request and is preserved across all services. |
method | HTTP method that was used to invoke the request |
url | URL of the endpoint that triggered the event. Hostname and port number are not included. Note Query parameters are not included in the URL. |
Configure output format
By default, logs are in flat text format and exported as .log
Some loggers enable output in JSON format.
JSON format is not recommended for Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta Enterprise Edition. You may not be able to download logs in JSON format.
Log files that are configured for JSON output format cannot be included in the support bundle. See Support Bundle Contents.
To enable JSON format, locate the appropriate parameter, where the wildcard below represents the service. Set the value to true
"*.loggerOptions.json": true,
Save your changes and restart the platform or service.
More examples are listed below.
Service Log Configuration
The WebApp manages loading of data from the supported connections into the front-end web interface.
After changing these settings, the platform must be restarted.
Logging Parameter and Default Value | Description |
"webapp.loggerOptions.silent": false, | When set to |
"webapp.loggerOptions.level": "info", | Supported levels (in decreasing order of verbosity): |
"webapp.loggerOptions.json": false, | If set to Note JSON format is not recommended for Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta Enterprise Edition. You may not be able to download logs in JSON format. |
"webapp.loggerOptions.format": ":method :url :status :res[content-length] :response-time :referrer :remote-addr :trifacta-user :user-agent", | String containing list of fields to include in each log message. |
Authorization Service
The authorization service manages access permissions to workspace objects.
Logging Parameter and Default Value | Description |
"authorization-service.systemProperties.logging.type": "regular", | Set the type of output log:
"authorization-service.systemProperties.logging.level": "info", | Supported levels (in decreasing order of verbosity): |
"authorization-service.systemProperties.logging.fileName": "logs/authorization-service.log" | Filename to which log files are written to the Trifacta node |
Batch Job Runner
The Batch Job Runner service manages the execution of batch jobs on the backend running environment.
Logging Parameter and Default Value | Description |
"batch-job-runner.systemProperties.batch.rootLogLevel": "info", | Supported levels (in decreasing order of verbosity): |
Orchestration Service
The orchestration service manages plan, snapshot, trigger, and task execution.
This service log captures issues related to plan execution. Please provide this log if you are experiencing issues with plan execution.
For more information, see Overview of Operationalization.
Logging Parameter and Default Value | Description |
"orchestration-service.systemProperties.logging.type": "regular", | Set the type of output log:
"orchestration-service.systemProperties.logging.level": "info", | Supported levels (in decreasing order of verbosity): |
"orchestration-service.systemProperties.logging.fileName": "logs/orchestration-service.log" | Filename to which log files are written to the Trifacta node |
Secure Token Service
The Secure Token Service manages authentication and returned tokens delivered from the authentication service.
Logging Parameter and Default Value | Description |
"secure-token-service.systemProperties.log.level": "info", | Supported levels (in decreasing order of verbosity): |
Java VFS Service
Loads data from various filesystems supported by the platform. For more information, see Configure Java VFS Service.
Logging Parameter and Default Value | Description |
"java-vfs-service.systemProperties.logging.type": "regular", | Set the type of output log:
"java-vfs-service.systemProperties.logging.level": "info", | Supported levels (in decreasing order of verbosity): |
"java-vfs-service.systemProperties.logging.fileName": "logs/java-vfs-service.log" | Filename to which log files are written to the Trifacta node |
"java-vfs-service.systemProperties.access.log.path": "%(topOfTree)s/logs" | Path to the access log file for this service. |
"java-vfs-service.systemProperties.log4j.configurationFile": "log4j2.xml" | Path to the Log4J2 configuration file on the Trifacta node. Note Do not modify this path or file unless necessary. |
VFS Service
Loads data from the various filesystems supported by the platform, both in the front-end user interface and in batch mode when the Trifacta Photon running environment or Trifacta Photon web client is enabled. Both are enabled by default. For more information, see Configure VFS Service.
Logging Parameter and Default Value | Description |
"vfs-service.loggerOptions.silent": false, | When set to |
"vfs-service.loggerOptions.level": "info", | Supported levels (in decreasing order of verbosity): |
"vfs-service.loggerOptions.json" : false, | If set to Note JSON format is not recommended for Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta Enterprise Edition. You may not be able to download logs in JSON format. |
"vfs-service.loggerOptions.format": ":method :url :status :res[content-length] :response-time :referrer :remote-addr :trifacta-user :user-agent", | String containing list of fields to include in each log message. |
Data Service
Service prepares queries against JDBC interfaces, using internal REST API calls.
Optionally, you can enable the logging of events from the underlying driver for each relational connection in data-service.log
. For more information, see Configure Connectivity.
Logging Parameter and Default Value | Description |
"data-service.systemProperties.logging.level": "info", | Supported levels (in decreasing order of verbosity): |
Connector Configuration Service
Manages the metadata for connector types and their overrides. For more information, see Configure Connector Configuration Service.
Logging Parameter and Default Value | Description |
"connector-configuration-service.systemProperties.logging.type": "regular", | Set the type of output log:
"connector-configuration-service.systemProperties.logging.level": "info", | Supported levels (in decreasing order of verbosity): |
"connector-configuration-service.systemProperties.logging.fileName": "logs/java-vfs-service.log" | Filename to which log files are written to the Trifacta node |
"connector-configuration-service.systemProperties.access.log.path": "%(topOfTree)s/logs" | Path to the access log file for this service. |
"connector-configuration-service.systemProperties.log4j.configurationFile": "log4j2.xml" | Path to the Log4J2 configuration file on the Trifacta node. Note Do not modify this path or file unless necessary. |
ML Service
For the ML service, logging level can be modified at the command line:
/services/ml-service/ --port <ml-service.port> --bindHost <ml-service.bindHost> --log-level <log_level>
Logging Parameter and Default Value | Description |
"ml-service.port": 5000, | The |
"ml-service.bindHost": "", | The |
"ml-service.loggerOptions.json": false, | The Note JSON format is not recommended for Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta Enterprise Edition. You may not be able to download logs in JSON format. |
Command Line parameter: --log-level 'DEBUG' | At the command line, you can use the |
The JSData logging options do not apply to a specific service. Instead, they are used by various services to log activities related to Wrangle and its interactions with various connections and running environments.
Logging Parameter and Default Value | Description |
"jsdata.loggerOptions.silent": false, | When set to |
"jsdata.loggerOptions.level": "info", | Supported levels (in decreasing order of verbosity): |
"jsdata.loggerOptions.json": false, | If set to Note JSON format is not recommended for Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta Enterprise Edition. You may not be able to download logs in JSON format. |