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Supported Data Types

This section provides information on supported data types in Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta Enterprise Edition.

Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta Enterprise Edition supports the following data types.


Transforms that include functions work only if the inputs are of a data type and format valid for the function. You should clean up the type and format of your columns before you apply transformations to them.

Supported Data Types



String Data Type

Any non-null value can be typed as String. A String can be anything.

Integer Data Type

The Integer data type applies to positive and negative numeric values that have no decimal point.

Decimal Data Type

Decimal data type applies to floating points up to 15 digits in length.

  • In the Trifacta Application, this data type is referenced as Decimal.

  • In storage, this data type is written as Double.

Boolean Data Type

The Boolean data type expresses true or false values.

Social Security Number Data Type

This data type is applied to numeric data following the pattern for United States Social Security numbers.

Phone Number Data Type

This data type is applied to numeric data following common patterns that express telephone numbers and known valid phone numbers in the United States.

Email Address Data Type

This data type matches text values that are properly formatted email addresses.

Credit Card Data Type

Credit card numbers are numeric data that follow the 14-digit or 16-digit patterns for credit cards.

Gender Data Type

This data type matches a variety of text patterns for expressing male/female distinctions.

Zip Code Data Type

This data type matches five- and nine-digit U.S. zipcode patterns.

State Data Type

State data type is applied to data that uses the full names or the two-letter abbreviations for states in the United States.

Object Data Type

An Object data type is a method for encoding key-value pairs. A single field value may contain one or more sets of key-value pairs.

Array Data Type

An array is a list of values grouped into a single value. An array may be of variable length; in one record the array field may contain two elements, while in the next record, it contains six elements.

IP Address Data Type

The IP Address data type supports IPv4 address.

URL Data Type

URL data type is applied to data that follows generalized patterns of URLs.

HTTP Code Data Type

Values of these data types are three-digit numeric values, which correspond to recognized HTTP Status Codes.

Datetime Data Type

Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta Enterprise Edition supports a variety of Datetime formats, each of which has additional variations to it.

Custom Types

If you have created a custom type, it is available for selection from the column type drop-down.


After a custom type has been created, a platform restart is required. Please contact your Alteryx administrator.

Developers may also define custom data types using regular expressions. See Create Custom Data Types Using RegEx.