Configure Orchestration Service
The orchestration service orchestrates the execution of plans on the Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta platform. This service manages the sequencing and delivery of specific tasks of a plan to the appropriate service for execution and monitors progress until success or failure. This service is enabled by default and interacts with a dedicated database.
The orchestration service is used only for execution of plans. If you are not using plans in your deployment of the Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta platform, this service is not required. You may want to install the database for potential use in the future.
Database Install
The Orchestration Service database is installed and upgraded inline with the other Alteryx databases. For more information, see Install Databases.
The following parameters are used to enable the service and perform basic configuration.
Setting | Default Value | Description |
orchestration-service.enabled | true | Enables the service. Note To use plans, this service must be enabled. | | | IP address of the host of the service. |
orchestration-service.port | 42424 | Port number on the host of the service. |
orchestration-service.autoRestart | true | When |
orchestration-service.classpath | %(topOfTree)s/services/orchestration-service/build/install/ orchestration-service/orchestration-service.jar: %(topOfTree)s/services/orchestration-service/build/install/orchestration-service/lib/* | Modify the classpath only if necessary. |
Plan Triggering
You can configure these parameters to set the retry time limits for the initial triggering events of a plan.
Setting | Default Value | Description |
orchestration-service.triggerCheckJobContinue.minTimeoutMillis | 2000 | Number of milliseconds of delay before starting the first retry. |
orchestration-service.triggerCheckJobContinue.maxRetryTimeMillis | 3000 | Maximum time in milliseconds that the retried operation is permitted to run. |
These settings define the queue sizes and parallel execution of tasks for the orchestration service.
Setting | Default Value | Description |
orchestration-service.taskExecutor.queueSize | 15 | Number of jobs that can be queued in in-memory queue for an execution thread to become available. This parameter defines the size of the queue which is used for holding tasks to be executed. |
orchestration-service.taskExecutor.maxPoolSize | 20 | Maximum number of parallel threads executing jobs. Tip This value should be less than or equal to the value for |
orchestration-service.taskExecutor.corePoolSize | 12 | Number of threads that execute jobs. Tip Set this value to more than 1 to activate parallel job execution. |
Task Polling
These settings define polling intervals for the orchestration service.
Setting | Default Value | Description |
orchestration-service.runTaskLockExtensionTimeInMillis | 180000 | Duration in milliseconds to lock the worker for long-running tasks. |
orchestration-service.runTaskLockExtensionFrequencyInMillis | 120000 | Frequency in milliseconds for how often to extend the worker lock for long-running tasks. |
orchestration-service.deployWorkflow.minTimeoutMillis | 3000 | Number of milliseconds before starting the first retry for a deploy action. |
orchestration-service.deployWorkflow.maxRetryTimeMillis | 30000 | Maximum time in milliseconds that the retried operation is permitted to run for a deploy action. |
orchestration-service.deleteWorkflow.minTimeoutMillis | 3000 | Number of milliseconds before starting the first retry for a delete action. |
orchestration-service.deleteWorkflow.maxRetryTimeMillis | 30000 | Maximum time in milliseconds that the retried operation is permitted to run for a delete action. |
Enable and specify aspects of logging for the orchestration service. For more information, see Configure Logging for Services.