“记录 ID”具有一个单个工具示例。访问 示例工作流 以了解如何在 Alteryx Designer 中访问此示例和其他更多示例。
“网络分析”工具生成一个网络交互式仪表板,以探索不同节点之间的关系。 The tool provides a visual representation of the network along with key summary statistics that characterize the network.
“网络分析”工具使用JavaScript库vis.js来生成交互式图。 For more information, go to https://visjs.github.io/vis-network/docs/network/ .
此工具使用 R 工具。转至 选项 下载预测工具 ,并登录到 Alteryx 下载和许可证 门户以安装 R 工具和 R 工具使用的软件包。有关详细信息,请访问 下载和使用预测工具 。
N 锚点:节点数据流,包含一个名为“_name_”的字段,该字段唯一标识网络中的每个节点。
E 锚点:一个边缘数据流,包含名为“from”和“to”的字段,用于标识由边缘连接的节点。请注意,“from”和“to”字段必须使用上述 (1) 中所述的相同唯一节点标识符。
Shape: Select the shape of nodes.
Fixed: Enter a fixed size for all nodes.
By Variable: Select a field to scale the nodes by.
By Statistic: Select a statistical measure to scale the nodes by. For a description of different centrality measures, go to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centrality .
Variable: Select a field to group the nodes by.
Statistic: Select a statistical algorithm to group the nodes by.
Directed: Select the check box to indicate if the network is a directed network.
Opacity: Enter the opacity of the edges when moused over.
Specify Layout: Select the check box to indicate if a layout is specified.
Choose Layout Algorithm: Select a layout algorithm. This tool uses the R package, igraph, to compute the layouts. For more information on the layouts supported, go to: https://mran.microsoft.com/package/igraph.
I anchor: An interactive dashboard of the network that consists of...
An interactive force diagram to visualize the network.
Aggregate statistical measures that characterize the entire network.
A histogram of node centrality measures.