F input anchor: This input is the initial input table ("F" for "Find"). This is the table that is updated in the tool's results.
R input anchor: This input is the lookup table ("R" for "Replace"). This is the table that contains data used to replace data in (or append data to) the initial input.
“查找替换”工具配置有 3 个部分:查找表、查找和替换。
Column to Search: Select the column from the F input anchor with the data that you want to replace.
Find Value: Select the column from the R input anchor that contains the data you want to search for in the Column to Search.
You can choose to replace data using these options...
Replace Found Text
Choose this option to replace the found text with the text in the Replace Value column (from the R input anchor).
Optionally select Replace All Matched Items. Only use this if you selected Contains from the Search Criteria option.
Create Columns with Replace Data
Choose this option to create a column populated with the lookup table (R input anchor) data whenever the selected Find Values data is found within the selected Column to Search.
Check the columns you want to create.