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Microsoft SharePoint Files Connections

Create a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint instance from the Alteryx Analytics Cloud.


This connection supports connecting to SharePoint files.

For more information on Microsoft SharePoint, go to


  • Single Sign-On (SSO) is not supported.

  • Column names are not validated on publishing.

  • The Microsoft SharePoint Files connection uses SharePoint APIs. As a result, transaction management and rollbacks are not supported.


  • The logged-in user must have required access to the specific Sites and Folders within SharePoint.


To create this connection, on the Connections page select Create Connection and then search for Microsoft Sharepoint Files. Then select the Microsoft Sharepoint Files card. Go to the Connections Page for more information.

Modify the following properties as needed:



Default Column Data Type Inference

Set to disabled to prevent the platform from applying its own type inference to each column on import. The default value is enabled.

OAuth 2.0 client

Use OAuth 2.0 authentication to access SharePoint Online. Note that for OAuth 2.0 authentication, additional configuration is required. See OAuth 2.0 for SharePoint Files.


After you've defined the credentials, select Authenticate to validate them.

Connection Name

Display name of the connection

Connection Description

Description of the connection, which appears in the application.

Using Microsoft Sharepoint Files Connections

This section describes how you interact through the Alteryx Analytics Cloud with your SharePoint files.

Uses of Microsoft Sharepoint Files

The Alteryx Analytics Cloud can use SharePoint for the following tasks:

  1. Import CSV and Excel files by reading from SharePoint.

  2. Export CSV and Excel files to SharePoint with your job results.

Before You Begin Using Microsoft Sharepoint Files

  • Read Access: Your SharePoint administrator must configure read permissions.

  • Write Access: You can write and publish jobs results to SharePoint.

Storing Data in SharePoint

Your SharePoint administrator should provide database access for storing datasets. Users should know where shared data is located and where personal data can be saved without interfering with or confusing other users.


Alteryx Analytics Cloud does not modify source data in SharePoint. Datasets sourced from SharePoint are read without modification from their source locations.

Reading from SharePoint

You can create an Alteryx dataset from a file stored in SharePoint. To start, choose a SharePoint site that you have access to and then navigate to the folder and file that you want.

For more information, go to Database Browser for AAC or Database Browser for Dataprep.

Data Validation issues:


Some Alteryx data types do not map exactly to SharePoint file data types. These differences might appear when writing to a new SharePoint file. For more information, see SharePoint Data Type Conversions.

  • No validation is performed for the connection and any required permissions during job execution. So, you can be permitted to launch your job even if you do not have sufficient connectivity or permissions to access the data. The corresponding publish job fails at runtime.

Known Issues

  • If you’ve recently granted or revoked access to a SharePoint asset, you might not notice the change immediately in the Microsoft Sharepoint Files Connection. Please try again later.


Supported versions: n/a

  • Read: Supported

  • Write: Supported