欢迎使用 Alteryx Analytics Cloud,这是一款用于开发和部署数据管道的多租户、多云 SaaS 解决方案,可为企业中的每个人提供自动化分析。您可以从登录页面中找到可用的应用程序和工作区,或者开始在平台中构建管道。
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要开始使用您的数据,请使用页面开头的快速启动链接从您的计算机 上传 数据或 连接 到云数据源,如 Snowflake、S3、ADLS 等。
为了方便您访问应用程序,登录页面提供了多达 3 个应用程序部分,具体取决于您可以访问的内容...
可供您使用 :您可以访问的应用程序和服务。
在您的工作区中可用 :工作区中提供但您无权访问的应用程序和服务。在这种情况下,请选择 联系管理员 ,查看您可以联系以获得访问权限的工作区管理员列表。
其他 Alteryx Analytics Cloud 产品 :工作区中不可用的应用程序和服务。如需详细了解这些应用程序和服务,请选择 联系销售人员 。
借助登录页面,您可以开始使用这些应用程序。要启动应用程序,请选择 使用入门 。
应用程序切换: 选择最左上角的带九个点的图标打开应用程序切换,您可以在其中选择任何已获得许可的应用程序。如需了解详情,请参阅 应用程序切换 。
Global Search allows you to quickly find and access specific assets, such as workflows, connections, and datasets, within your workspace through a unified search bar. It works across the Alteryx Analytic Cloud Platform, Designer Cloud Experience, and Plans Canvas, displaying only assets that you own or that have been shared with you.

Currently, the search function allows you to locate specific types of assets, such as:
This initial release focuses on these key elements, but additional asset types will be added in future updates.
How Search Results Are Displayed
Search results will be shown directly within the dropdown of the search bar as you type.
Please note that search results are not shown in a separate page or section; they are displayed inline for a more streamlined user experience.
Current Limitations
Workspace-Specific Search: At present, search results are tied to your current workspace. If you have access to multiple workspaces, make sure to refresh the page after switching between workspaces to avoid seeing results from a different workspace.
If you do not refresh the page after switching workspaces, it is possible that search results from the previous workspace will still appear.