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Whitelist Platform Service


This feature may not be available in all product editions. For more information on available features, see Compare Editions.

Before you begin creating connections to your relational sources, you must whitelist the IP address range of the Alteryx Service in the relevant security groups.


The database to which you are connecting must be available from the Alteryx Service over the public Internet.

The IP address range of the Alteryx Service is the following:


On the database server for each relational source type (Oracle, SQL Server, etc.), you must whitelist these IP addresses.

For Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta:

For Redshift:

For Redshift, there are two ways to whitelist the IP range depending on if you are using EC2-VPC or EC2-Classic (not common).

For details on this process with RDS in general, see

For more information, please contact Alteryx Support.