The following backup files are created: connect_catalina.log
and service_status.log
contains all logged events for the Alteryx Connect server.Only the last 1 MB of the
is displayed. The older versions of the log are stored on the server.No logs are overwritten.
Backup files older than 30 days are deleted. This is done via
configuration file.There is no size limit on the backup file size.
Log settings can be directly changed in the path C:\Program Files\AlteryxConnect\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\logback.xml.
Daily backups are created with the file pattern
.CopyTomcatLogJob is executed every 5 minutes to append the existing Tomcat logs (connect.out) to
.There is no backup policy defined for
Set Log Levels
Optionally set the Global log level, as well as the Log level for individual class names. You can increase or decrease the log content level by selecting from different options. OFF means that the log is off and ALL is logging all content.
Global Log Level
To set the Global log level, select the option from the drop-down list.

Log Level for Class Names
To set the Log level for individual class names, select the option from the drop-down list.

Use the Search bar to find a specific class name. To open the Search bar, select the search symbol. Enter the class name you want to filter, then select OK. The results are displayed in the Class name table.