Under the Tweaks tab you can define how columns are treated, number of objects to display in Nexus and number of search results to display.
This section contains information about how the asset should be treated in the Connect data catalog. An asset can be treated as a part of the individual asset or an individual asset.
Currently, you can decide how the columns should be treated: as parts of the table or as an individual asset.
Go to Admin Menu > Performance > Tweaks.
Select the desired option:
To treat the columns as parts of the table, select parts of the table. The column won’t be treated as an individual asset and thus won’t be shown in the asset category.
Choosing to be parts of the table will allow you to increase the metadata synchronization on that asset and reduce the database size.
Choosing to be parts of the table won’t allow you to see the columns in the Search results (however you'll be able to search for them in full text search).
You won't be able to manually change the description of columns.
It’s recommended to use this setting on larger volumes of metadata or larger installations.
To treat the columns as an individual asset, select individual asset. The column will be treated as an individual asset and will be listed in the asset category.
Select Save.
Enter the maximum number of objects to display in Nexus.
Enter the number of results to display in search results. Go to the Search for Data help page for more information.
Specify the number of days after which the deactivated assets will be purged. For more information about removed and deactivated assets, go to Removed Assets.
To prevent creating versions for already loaded content, check the Do not create version for loaded content box. Only new and changed content will be loaded.
Specify how assets, deactivated assets, and old versions are deleted.
Specify how an asset is removed.
Remove permanently: When selecting this option, assets are removed permanently.
Only deactivate: When selecting this option, assets are moved to Administration Console > Performance > Removed Assets > Deactivated Assets. It's not possible to restore the deactivated assets.
Manage deletion of old versions in Connect by setting various parameters.
Go to Admin Menu > Performance > Removed Assets > Delete Old Versions.
Choose from the following options:
Delete all old versions.
Delete versions older than x days.
Delete versions older than x days but keep x latest versions.
Keep only x latest versions.
Select Delete.
In any case, this should always touch only the inactive versions but should not have any impact on the active content visible to users.
The list contains all asset entries that are invalid. Select Delete All to remove the invalid entries. To restore the invalid entries, see Restore Invalid Assets.
Select Remove All to remove all broken relationships, or select Remove next to an individual broken relationship.