App Builder is a new and evolving product available with the Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform. Functionality is subject to change without notice as we continue to refine and enhance your experience. We appreciate your understanding and welcome your feedback on Alteryx Community as we continue to improve App Builder!
Use the Aggregate tool to calculate cumulative values from a dataset.
In the tool configuration window, hover over the column you want to calculate values for, then select the plus icon. Alternatively, select to highlight the column, then select + Add Action.
Select the action to apply to your column:
Group By
After you’ve selected an action for your column, your selection is shown in the Actions table. Note that you can apply multiple actions to one column, and each action added shows up as a new row in the Actions table.
To delete an action from the table, select to highlight the action, then select the trash icon.
Select Save to save your Aggregate tool configuration.