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Connection Type

ODBC, OLE DB (64-bit)

Driver Configuration Requirements

Bulk read and write support is available for standard workflows. Bulk write support is available for in-database workflows.

Type of Support

Read & Write, In-Database

Validated On

Database Version: 17.20 (driver 17.10 may not work).

ODBC Client Version:

For more information about the Simba Athena ODBC driver, see the Simba ODBC documentation.

Alteryx Tools Used to Connect

Standard Workflow Process

In-Database Workflow Process

Additional Details

The Teradata bulk loader does not support BLOB or spatial objects. These field types can be written with standard ODBC.

The following dependent products are automatically installed:

  • Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata

  • Teradata Call-Level Interface version 2

  • Teradata Data Connector API

  • Teradata Generic Security Services Client

Supported Versions

Maximum Columns In Table: 2048

Maximum Column Name Length: 30 Characters

Maximum Row Size: 64256 Bytes (does not include LOB size)

Fixed Numeric is supported in this version of the driver.

Fixed Numeric is transported as a String. DBTYPE_NUMERIC is not supported.

Date, Time, and Timestamp transported as a DBTYPE_STR. Native formats are not standard.

LOB data types can be read from a table but can't be written.


Alteryx does not explicitly define either PRIMARY INDEX, PRIMARY AMP INDEX, or NO PRIMARY INDEX when creating a table. This means the Primary Index Default will be chosen by the system. For more information on Teradata Primary Index, see Teradata Online Documentation.