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What's New in Server 2024.1

Version: 2024.1

Release Date: May 1, 2024

Go to the complete Server 2024.1 Release Notes.

New Features

Transfer Asset Ownership

In this release, we've provided admins with the option to transfer ownership of workflows and schedules between users without them needing to be in the same studio as the new owner. This will make it easier to manage workflow and schedule ownership, especially when employees leave the company. This will improve collaboration and prevent tedious rework when workflow owners change, avoiding data pipeline disruptions.

For workflows, this means that when the workflow is transferred to a new owner, the workflow will move from the old user’s studio to the new user’s studio and the ownership field will be updated. When workflows are transferred, the version history will remain which is essential for audit compliance and version control.

Along with this new functionality, new notification options are available in Notifications. These are automatically on when you upgrade. Notifications are sent when you transfer workflows via both the Server UI and API. Both past and new owners are notified. For more information, go to the Notifications help page.

You can transfer asset ownership in Server UI or using Server API V3 endpoints.

Transfer Asset Ownership in Server UI

Admins are now able to transfer asset ownership from the Server UI for individual schedules or workflows, as well as in bulk. The bulk transfer of assets enables smoother transitions, without heavy reliance on APIs.

For more information about this feature, go to Transfer Workflow Ownership and Transfer Schedule Ownership.

Transfer Asset Ownership Using Server API V3

We now allow admins to transfer ownership of workflows, schedules, and collections between users using our V3 APIs without needing them to be in the same studio as the new owner.

  • PUT /v3/workflows/{workflowId}/transfer

    • This new API call adds the ability to transfer workflow ownership of a single workflow regardless of a studio. Thus, an admin can transfer a workflow to a user who isn’t in the same studio as the workflow.

    • There’s an additional option to transfer all schedules related to that workflow that the current workflow owner owns. This allows admins to transfer a workflow and the schedules associated with it at the same time. The schedules that are transferred will only be the ones owned by the existing workflow owner.

  • PUT /v3/users/{userId}/assetTransfer

    • This new API call allows admins to transfer all workflows, schedules, and collections from one user to another in a single call. The admin can choose which of these assets to transfer. This allows admins to quickly and easily transfer all assets from one user to another.

These APIs will make it easier for customers to manage workflow, schedule, and collection ownership. For more information about the new API endpoints, go to Workflow Endpoints and User Endpoints.

SQL Database Support

We’ve added support for SQL user-managed instances alongside the existing MongoDB integration. This addition provides you with the flexibility to leverage relational databases according to your preferences and requirements. We included the SQL DB support feature in both FIPS-compliant and non-FIPS environments. At the moment, we support only Microsoft SQL Server.

To start using SQL DB with your Alteryx Server, you need to configure it in Alteryx System Settings.

  • Controller:

    • In Controller > Persistence, we’ve added the User-managed SQL DB option which allows you to connect to your SQL DB.

    • In Controller > Persistence> Database > SQL Connection, enter the SQL DB connection string.

    • For more information on how to configure your controller with SQL DB option, go to Controller.

  • Server UI:

    • In Server UI > Persistence > Advanced Connections, the Server Persistence UI is automatically populated for the Advanced SQL Connection if you have selected User-Managed SQL DB in the Controller > Persistence section.

    • In Server UI > Persistence > Web Persistence, enter the SQL DB connection string. A MultipleActiveResultSets (MARS) flag will be automatically added. Alteryx Server needs this flag to perform complex querying. Without this flag, several operations would not be possible and Server would not be fully functional. For more information on this flag, please visit Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS).

    • For more information on how to configure Server UI with SQL DB option, go to Server UI.

For more information on how to manage SQL DB in Server, visit the SQL DB Management help page. Under this page, you'll find more details about SQL DB schemas, connection strings, and Mongo to SQL Migration Guide. For a general overview of our SQL support and migration from MongoDB to SQL, visit Server SQL DB Customer FAQ.

Crypto Migration Improvements

We've made the following improvements to the crypto migration process:

Migration Prep Tool Improvements

  • To evaluate any anticipated issues you might need to address prior to upgrading to 2022.3 or later, run a pre-flight check with the Migration Prep Tool.

  • During the pre-migration or full migration process, you will be able to see improved error logs that allow you to resolve the issues yourself. This enables you to take recommended action to ensure the full migration is completed successfully despite any errors.

  • We have added 3 new run options when running the Migration Prep Tool:

    • Default: Run the pre-migration and pre-migration check simultaneously (-p)

    • Run just the pre-migration (apps) (--appsonly)

    • Run just the credential validation step (--credonly)

  • While running the Migration Prep Tool, you must provide the controller token (-t) and hostname/IP Address (-i) of the controller. This also means you can now run the Migration Prep Tool on a multi-node setup by providing the controller's hostname/IP address and controller token.

Please note that 2 instances of the Migration Prep Tool tool cannot run simultaneously for the same controller.

Improved Error Messages

Example of an improved error message:

2024-02-28 10:06:38.038910;3;Error parsing xml file 'C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\RuntimeSettings.xml': char position=0; Message=File was not found

2024-02-28 10:06:38.038834;3;<Error parsing xml file 'C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\RuntimeSettings.xml': char position=0; Message=File was not found>. Please verify <"C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\RuntimeSettings.xml"> exists.

For more information about the pre-flight check, go to Run the Migration Prep Tool.

UI Search and Sort for Workflows and Schedules

We have improved our searching and sorting capabilities on Server for both admin and non-admin users, enhancing the overall experience of the Server UI. Now you can do the following with ease:

  • Search by 'Workflow ID' on Schedules and My Workspace (tabs My Files, Shared With Me, and Public).

  • Search by 'Owner' on Schedules and My Workspace (tabs Shared With Me and Public).

  • Filter by engine ‘AMP’ on Schedules and My Workspace (tabs My Files, Shared With Me, and Public).

  • Filter by ‘Type’ on My Workspace (tabs My Files, Shared With Me, and Public).

For more information on search, go to Search for Assets.

Server SAML Authentication Without Using CEF

We changed Designer's SAML authentication browser from Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) to the machine's default browser. This will help you avoid security issues with CEF becoming out of date before Designer can be released with an updated version.

Service Timestamps Moved to UTC Format

All timestamps in the Server databases have been converted to the UTC format. By default, in the user interface now all the date-time fields will be displayed as per user’s profile time zone. The only exception is the frequency field, where it shows the timezone that is chosen at the time of creating the schedule.

If you are taking timestamps directly from the Server database, please note that these timestamps have been migrated to UTC format for standardization across the product and to alleviate daylight saving time issues.

Affected APIs

All Server APIs with a timestamp element will now return date and time fields in UTC-0 timezone.

The list of affected APIs via Swagger includes:

  • POST /v3/schedules

  • PUT /v3/schedules/{scheduleId}

  • GET /v3/schedules

  • GET /v3/schedules/{scheduleId}

For more information about these API endpoints, visit the Schedules Endpoints help page.

In case you upgrade from an older version to 2024.1, the timestamps of existing assets will be converted to the new UTC standard when AlteryxService starts.

Note that AlteryxService uses third party libraries to keep the updated time zone information in the database. These need to be updated as and when there is an update. If there is a time zone which is not providing correct offset values, please wait for the library update.

DCM Environment Connection Handling

We’re introducing DCM Environment Connection Handling allowing you to define what connections present on the Server should be used instead of workflow connections when executing workflows on the Server. This feature is available to all Curators through the Server UI and via Server APIs.

For every environment, you can define a list of Connection IDs that should be replaced by a different connection when found in workflow during execution. In other words, for such an environment, each of the source Connection IDs (present in the workflow) will be resolved as the target connection (defined by Connection ID) at engine runtime. That means a single workflow can be executed differently (using different connections) on each Server without making changes to the workflow itself. DCM handles connection replacement dynamically at the execution, without updating the YXMD workflow.

In a single-Server setup, you can still make sure that the workflow is executed differently in the Designer than on the Server. This enables an easier lifecycle of workflows across multiple environments (dev, test, production) without making changes to it.

For more information about DCM Environment Connection Handling rules, go to DCM Connections and DCM Connection Handling. To review permissions needed for DCM Environment Connection Handling rules, go to User Roles and Permissions.

To check the API endpoints to manage DCM Environment Connection Handling rules, go to the DCME Endpoints help page.

DCM Generic External Vault

You can utilize the DCM configuration to fetch secrets used in DCM credentials at runtime from a vault by providing a custom script or executable that would handle authentication and secret retrieval. Forming such a vault is possible through Designer and Server.

Generic External Vault allows you to configure a generic vault that can retrieve secrets from any vault with a programmatic interface using basic authentication.

For more information, go to DCM - Server, Data Connection Manager: Server UI, and DCM Generic External Vault.

DCM Permissions

Along with other new DCM features and changes, we’ve added new DCM permissions, giving Server Curators better control over users' DCM connections present on the Server.

  • Create or Edit DCM Assets

  • Share DCM Connection Credentials to Run on Server Only

  • Share DCM Connection Credentials for Collaboration

  • Manage Generic Vaults

These permissions are automatically enabled for new and existing users, except for the Manage Generic Vaults permission.

For more information, go to the User Roles and Permissions help page.

DCM Concurrent Sharing

Now you can share the same connection with one user for collaboration, and with another user or with the same one for execution. For more information go to Data Connection Manager: Server UI.

HashiCorp Vault mTLS Authentication

There is a new authentication method for HashiCorp Vault. Server can now use mTLS (“mutual TLS”, also known as “TLS Client Authentication”) to obtain DCM secrets from Vault.

Amazon RDS for SQL Server Support

Starting with version 2024.1, Server persistence supports Amazon RDS for SQL Server in both FIPS and non-FIPS versions of Server.

New API Endpoints for Server Credentials

We've added two API credential endpoints for Server credentials (non-DCM):

  • Create Server credentials: POST /v3/credentials

  • Update password for existing Server credentials: PUT /v3/credentials/{credentialId}

These endpoints are available only to Curators and require TLS to be enabled. For more information, refer to the Credential Endpoints help page.