The Publish to Tableau Server tool is deprecated. Install the Tableau Output tool which provides updated features.
As of 2023.2, the Publish to Tableau Server Tool will not be delivered with Designer anymore. To retain this tool, see our guide in the Alteryx Community.
Version | Description |
v2.0.0 |
v1.09.2 |
v1.08.1 |
Use the Publish to Tableau Server tool to publish an Alteryx data stream as either a Tableau Hyper data extract (.hyper) or Tableau data extract (.tde) file.
After publishing an Alteryx data stream as a Tableau Hyper data extract (.hyper) file, the file may incorrectly display with a TDE (.tde) extension. The data source is actually a HYPER file. You can verify this by downloading and extracting the *.tdsx zip file and viewing the *.hyper file in Data, followed by Extracts.
Use the Sign in to Tableau Server tab to create a connection, or use a saved connection.
In Saved connections, select a connection. To remove a saved connection, select it and then select Delete.
Enter the Username and Password used to connect to Tableau Server from a web browser.
Enter the Server URL used to log on to Tableau Server. An example is https://tableau.mycompany.com.
Enter a Site (site name) or leave it blank to use the default site. An example site name is ExternalDemo. Tableau Server is designed to host multiple sites on the same server instance. Tableau Online doesn't have a default site.
To save the connection information as a new connection, use Add connection (optional) to type a name for the connection. Select Save to save the new connection.
Select Connect to connect to Tableau Server.
Project name: Select a project name where you want to publish the new data source
Data source name: Enter the name given to the newly created data source on Tableau Server, or select one from the list. If including metainfo, type the name of the .tds file without any differences.
Output options: Choose output behavior.
Create: Create a new file in the specified project folder. If a file already exists with the same data source name, an error displays.
Overwrite: Create a new file in the specified folder and overwrite any existing file with the same name.
Append: Append to an existing file.
Data source format: Select an output format.
TableauHyper DataExtract (*.hyper): Create a Tableau Hyper data extract file.
Tableau Data Extract (*.tde): Create a Tableau data extract file.
Data sourcemetainfo(optional): If you only want to publish a .hyper or .tde file, leave this blank. To publish a Tableau data extract (.tdsx) file, which includes a Tableau data source (.tds) file, follow the instructions below to prepare the .tds file. The filename and extension must be the same as the Data source name.
The path used to publish the .tdsx file is 'Data/Extracts/[filename].hyper'.
Using a file editor, open the .tds file that contains the metainfo for the data source.
Edit the dbname path to match the publishing path. For example, if your hyper file is stored at: C:/temp/filename.hyper then change C:/temp/filename.hyper to Data/Extracts/filename.hyper.
Optionally, edit the datasource version to match the Tableau Server version. This process should only be used when publishing to a lower version.
Save the changes.
The .tds file is now ready. In Data source metainfo (optional), enter or browse to the path of the .tds file.
When you run the workflow, the Publish to Tableau Server tool combines the .tds file and upstream data (the data stream used as the input) into a .tdsx file. The .tdsx file publishes to Tableau Server, providing users with access to the data source and metainfo, such as comments and hierarchies.