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Load Metadata from Apache Hive

Use the Hive Loader to upload metadata to Alteryx Connect from a specified Hive server.

Review Loader Requirements

  • The Alteryx Connect Loaders must be installed on the machine where Alteryx Server is installed. To install the loaders:

    1. Download the loaders installer. For compatibility, the Loaders installer version must match the Alteryx Connect version.

    2. Run the installer as an administrator.

  • Hive must be accessible via ODBC:

    For detailed information on connecting to Hive, search for "Connecting to Hadoop" in the Alteryx Community.

    1. Download and install the Hive ODBC driver from the Alteryx Driver Download page.

    2. Configure and test a new DSN in the Windows ODBC Data Sources Administrator. For more information, see Create an ODBC Database Connection within the Alteryx Designer Help.

      If you are unsure about the correct host name and credentials, contact your IT administrator.

Open the Loader

  1. Open Alteryx Designer.

  2. Select Help > Sample Workflows > Alteryx Connect Metadata Loaders > Hive Loader > Hive Loader.

Run the App

  1. Select Run as Analytic App

    Run as analytic app button


  2. In the Hive server tab:

    • Type the Hive connection information, including Hive Server (ODBC connection name), Hive Username, and Hive Password.

    • In Databases to load, optionally specify a comma-separated list of databases. Leave blank to load all databases.

    1. In the Alteryx Connect tab, type the URL for your Alteryx Connect instance and your credentials.

    2. Before running the app, select Save button and save the app configuration to the following directory:


      The .yxwv app values file is used for scheduling the loader to run in the Gallery. See Schedule Metadata Loaders.

  3. Select Finish to run the app.

    • If the run succeeds, "Success" appears in the App Results window.

    • If the run fails, a "There were Errors" message appears.

    Depending on how much metadata is being imported, the app can take a long time to run.

View the Metadata

  1. Go to the Alteryx Connect URL and log in.

  2. From the main menu, select Data Sources > Databases.

  3. Select a folder to view its contents.