These are some frequently asked questions regarding Auto Insights datasets imported from Analytics Cloud.
The archive formats supported by Analytics Cloud (gzip and bzip2) allow a ~3-4GB CSV file to be compressed and uploaded within the 1GB Analytics Cloud File Upload limit. Larger datasets will need to be configured through an Analytics Cloud connection.
Auto Insights currently supports datasets up to 17GB for ingestion from Analytics Cloud. Supporting datasets larger than 17GB is being evaluated.
No, only datasets that are created from Analytics Cloud datasets (or those that are subsequently connected to an Analytics Cloud dataset) will be available throughout Analytics Cloud Library, Scheduling, and Plans, and shared via Analytics Cloud sharing experience.
Existing Auto Insights datasets imported via Admin Portal are still edited, shared, and scheduled within the Admin Portal, until they are connected to an Analytics Cloud dataset. For more information on connecting to an Analytics Cloud dataset see Replace Dataset.
Yes, existing Auto Insights datasets imported via Designer Desktop or via Admin Portal can be connected to an Analytics Cloud dataset. For more information see Replace Dataset.
Once a "legacy" dataset is connected to an Analytics Cloud dataset, it becomes managed by Analytics Cloud and is thereafter available throughout Analytics Cloud Library, Scheduling, and Plans, shared via the Analytics Cloud sharing experience. At this point, it also ceases to be administered in the Auto Insights Admin Portal. Users with explicit access to an Auto Insights dataset via Groups in the Admin Portal will retain their access - sharing can then be administered via the Analytics Cloud sharing experience.
Yes, this will create two separate Auto Insights datasets from the same Analytics Cloud dataset, each of which will not be automatically shared with the other user(s) with access to the source Analytics Cloud dataset. Each user would have to share their Auto Insights dataset for others to use. The sharing of an Analytics Cloud dataset and an Auto Insights dataset is handled separately.
In this case, these Auto Insights datasets remain discrete and independent entities within Auto Insights and Analytics Cloud, even though they are connected to the same source Analytics Cloud dataset. A single Analytics Cloud dataset can be the source for multiple Auto Insights datasets.
No, Auto Insights datasets imported via Analytics Cloud can only have a single owner. However, other users can be granted “Editor” access to be able to edit dataset settings, schedule, orchestrate, and share this dataset just like the owner.
Users can also be granted “Viewer” access, allowing them to use the Auto Insights dataset in Auto Insights Search, Missions, and Playbooks (if enabled).
Datasets in Analytics Cloud are essentially pointers to where data lives – either a file uploaded to Analytics Cloud Base Storage or data stored within an external database/storage. An Analytics Cloud dataset does not contain the data itself. Therefore, when an Auto Insights dataset refresh is triggered – either manually or scheduled – it will take the latest data from the underlying data source and import it into Auto Insights.
No, there can be multiple refresh schedules for an Auto Insights dataset. Each of them – whether they directly trigger an Auto Insights dataset refresh, or run a Plan which triggers an Auto Insights dataset refresh – will be triggered at the appropriate time. Protections are in place such that each Auto Insights dataset can only perform one concurrent ingestion at a time (new ingestion won't start if one is already in progress).