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管理员(Server 管理员)可以在 管理员界面 计划 页面上编辑和删除计划。可以在 Server 界面中创建新计划。请转至 计划工作流 帮助页面,了解创建新计划的步骤。


To edit a schedule, go to Admin > Schedules.

  1. 计划 选项卡上,找到要编辑的计划。

  2. 选择要编辑的计划,然后选择 编辑

  3. 在编辑窗口中,编辑计划详细信息。除工作流凭证外,所有计划详细信息均可编辑。

  4. 选择 保存


To delete a schedule or multiple schedules, go to Admin > Schedules. You can also delete schedules on the Designer Migrations tab.

Delete a Single Schedule

  1. On the Schedules tab, select the 3-dot menu next to the schedule you want to delete.

  2. Select Delete. To confirm, select Delete.

Delete Schedules in Bulk

  1. On the Schedules tab, select the checkbox next to the schedules you want to delete.

  2. Select Delete in the upper right corner of the Schedules table. To confirm, select Delete.